With my vacation approaching, I will be very busy for the last few days before I leave to Wisconsin which is a pretty boring state… not as nice as the place Tomoya took Ushio to… but it will take appromately two days to reach Wisconsin and two days going back and I’m planning to be on vacation for 10 days. However, I will still update my blog since I have Wifi access in the hotel and a iPhone 3G I can tether to my Macbook Pro so I have mobile broadband access in the car. However, it can delay any new episodes of Haruhi, the Kyou Clannad After Story special and the last episode of K-ON! for a few days since I cannot download any of these directly using a public Wifi hotspot. However, I won’t be neglecting the blog for the 10 days I’m away… I promise….
Summer Vacation approaching…
Looking to Leave Twitter or an Alternative?
We have a new Twitter-like social network based on Mastodon that caters to Anime and Japanese media fans in addition to content creators (bloggers, video creators, podcasters), who create Anime review content or anything released to Japan called Sakurajima.
Have fun on your trip. It’s perfect timing with the iPhone 3.0 OS just being released. The tethering really helps for net addicts.
Do you have one of those car adapters so you can plug in your Macbook? I can’t imagine a car trip longer than 4hrs without one.
Unfortunately no, but my MBP only lasts 5 hours with wifi on… I should be able to play my ripped anime DVDs and downloaded episodes within that. Too bad my battery don’t last 7 hours like the new ones do.
Well the video will definitely cut down the time on that 5 hrs, but the Macbook batteries are definitely good quality.
You should look into getting a car adapter for future trips. You wont be sorry. They’re pretty cheap, at a local BestBuy they have one for $40 CDN so they’ll definitely be cheaper in the US.