Seitokai no Ichizon feels like another Lucky Star in a sense they shove other references to other anime, but it’s not the same. This time, all the characters have otaku interests (besides from Kurimu) which involves:
– Ken — Moe Harem Anime and H Game Otaku.
– Chizuru — Lolicon and Yuri Fangirl.
– Minatsu — Hot Blooded and Shounen Fighting Series Fangirl.
– Mafuyu — Yaoi Fangirl Gamer Girl.
It seems that Ken is in to create a harem out of the entire student council and it helps since he is the only male in the student council (and I’m guessing he is playing too much eroge and bishoujo games).
In my impressions of watching it, the series is funny in a weird way… I can’t keep myself from laughing… obviously… and also there is virtually no plot in this series too to the likes of Lucky Star. The funny thing is that I find Kurimu rather cute… So far, the episodes consists of random stuff and sorting out/approving stuff from clubs in the first episode, Kurimu trying to pass her exam and fails (alot worse than Yui from K-ON! since she failed after studying while Yui ends up passing) and the journal club leader Lilicia, writing libel/negative things about the Student Council since she couldn’t win a position and gets owned by Ken saying the rumor is true because after all… he wants a harem of his own…
The animation and the music is good and the level of fanservice is not excessive, so I might continue watching just for the thrill of it… although the content is completely random…
Episode 1: 7.8/10
Episode 2-3: 8/10
True. Yessir, do keep up 😛 Kurimu is way cute indeed, but Mafuyu kyaaaaa~!
You might change your mind about the fanservice a couple episodes later. Although, it’s not to the point of shoving it into your face. More of… tempting Ken 🙂
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