Sadly, Murphy’s Law just made things a lot worse for Shunsuke and his plan to cure ability users once and for all.
From the look of the last episode, you would have think that things would get better since Ayumi is saved, right? Not really. As the saying goes, you can’t have the cake and eat it too. In short, no matter how many times you try to change the past and correct it, something else will go wrong. Murphy’s law will always catch up one way or another.
Shunsuke thought he would be able to develop a vaccine to prevent the comet particles from developing abilities and humans and of course protect them as well. That comet, Charlotte was responsible for developing supernatural abilities in humans. Let’s say that he made an error in his plan that ruins everything.

Well, let’s say that Yakuza just screwed up his plan by forcing Kumagami to release all the secrets with Yuu unable to use his time leap or plundering powers due to his right eye being slashed. Yuu uses his collapse ability and of course, Kumagami gets killed, leaving Shunsuke in a worse situation than before. With no clear way to fix the past, he is pretty much locked in the terrible fate, or is he? Knowing that Maeda loves deus ex machina, he will add some miracle that will fix this in an instant, thus making the story even more confusing and rendering the drama in this episode completely pointless.
I have to admit that I had very mixed feelings after watching this episode. This episode was hard to watch as they basically killed off one of the best characters, Kumagami and beat up Nao and left her with only her underwear on. With the forced drama in this episode turned to the max, it made the overall story feel rushed with the Yakuza thrown in out of nowhere for the sake of drama with no development on why they are after Shunsuke. I will focus on this in my comparison between Angel Beats and this show pretty soon. Aside from that, it’s such a shame that this show ended up having the same flaws, despite being better in some areas.

Aside from my complaints, it makes me wonder how Shunsuke is going to achieve his goals from here. Sure, things look grim now that he lost one of his best friends that are vital to his campaign. Makes me wonder how things will end, especially things looking so grim. Then again, we already know the answer, more deus ex machina of course! That will solve everything for sure!
In short, I have to admit that things would probably be better if Ayumi remained dead so that Yuu can spend all the time with Nao. This will ensure that Yuu will never come into contact with his older brother, Shunsuke and of course, the Yakuza won’t become an issue since they won’t know anything about him or that Yuu performed a time leap. What ever happens in the next two episodes, I have low expectations.