As expected, Executive Director Mishiro like a true vulture capitalist decides to break more dreams as she aims to emulate 765 Production’s success.
Let’s focus on the good news first. It appears that Mishiro has accepted the producer’s proposal after giving him a hard time. Sadly, he has a short period of time to make the Cinderella Ball a big event a huge success. Otherwise, he will face the consequences. Although she stated that she wouldn’t sabotage his efforts, I am very doubtful since she can bend the rules in her favor in order to ruin his efforts. This episode already proved that by having the idols forcefully give up the things that make them unique.
To me, I see a big flaw in her plan. If you look at most of the members of 346 Productions, most of them are one-trick ponies and won’t stand a chance against someone like Amami Haruka from 765 Productions for example. Sure, 765 Productions have a unified image, but at the same time, the idols didn’t give up the thing that made each girl unique to achieve that. Moreover, they can do other things besides singing such as being an actress in a movie for example, which is something that most of the 346’s idols can’t do.
In other words, if you put Kaede in a matchup against someone more famous and talented like Chihaya, you already set her up for failure before it even started, even if she has a great singing voice. If you created a unit in order to combine the girls’ talents such as pairing her with Rin and Ranko for example, they will at least have a fighting chance against the big shots.

Of course, Mishiro is only thinking about the bottom line and her plan is going to fail in the end as most of the girls are doing to defy her in the end since they don’t want to change the thing that makes them who they are. For those that decide or forced to take her bait, let’s say that this change did not go well in the end.

We saw this with Abe Nana in this episode, an eccentric girl who transforms into a magical girl with bunny ears who used to work at the cafe. When she was forced to promote a game and throw away her persona or rather, abandon her rabbit ears after her segment in the variety show was discontinued abruptly. In other words, the audience did not care about what she was trying to promote. It’s not until Miku came to encourage her to be herself that Nana went back to her old self and managed to excite the audience after her so-called transformation.

From the looks of it, it seems that more girls have decided to support the Producer’s efforts to make his plan a success. In other words, Mishiro’s plan to force the girls to change their image was a big failure.
Still, it won’t be the last time she will do something like this. After all, she is very conceited just because she is the president’s daughter. When things don’t go the way she wanted to, she will finally wake up after she loses her job as a result. That, or most of the girls will pack their bags up and go to another talent agency. Like with Kaede, they need her more than she needs them.
Mishiro gonna get rekt hard by Producer-san. Not so sure how long she is gonna keep this up, but I guess it’s gonna take a while until she realize how stupid she is.
Just like Kuroi, she will keep swinging and fail each time. Like the main series, the girls will ultimately overcome her attempts of sabotage with danketsu.