Shirou thought it was a good idea not to bring Saber to school. Sadly, he learned the hard way.
From the last episode, it looks like Saber was right about something fishy happening at the school. There is apparently a magical field set up by Rider when activated will basically kill everyone in the school when their mana is sucked dry. Can this explain why the archery club captain disappeared? Furthermore, there is no sign of Shinji either. Regardless, we’ll find out sooner than later.

Still, I can’t believe that Shirou continues to be idiotic and try to act like a hero. I literally facepalmed when he denied the fact that Rin will kill him for his command seals. Regardless of what happened, at least he managed to survive. Surprisingly, he had enough courage to fight Rider knowing that he could have been killed. At least he managed to defend himself. Nevertheless, I have a feeling that he done it to be badass. While it’s nice to see a few minutes of fame from him, I still had mixed feelings about the whole thing since Saber had the potential to defeat Rider. Then again, I still think Shirou is at his best when he is in danger. He knows how to react even if the actions he takes are very risky.

For now, it seems that Rin has made a truce with Shirou as long he doesn’t betray her. I can admit that her reaction to it was cute. For now, I guess Shirou is lucky to have her on his side even if she doesn’t want to. Judging from the preview, it seems that they will be facing off against Caster battle next time.
Rin’s expressions in this new adaptation are priceless…*laughs* 😀
Yep and I really enjoyed her expressions a lot. It reminds me of her father as mentioned.