On the second day of Anime, the focus is now on the lovable and toy-less detectives known as Milky Holmes. (Image Source)
Back in fall of 2010, I had low expectations after watching the first episode of Milky Holmes. However, the comedy’s absurdity that came as a result from a formerly famous detective team named Milky Holmes that completely lost their toys and became useless in some freak accident resulted in one the most enjoyable comedies for that season.
With the second season, the producers pushed the dial to twelve, giving us more ridiculousness as Milky Holmes becomes toy-less once again and gets involved in more crazy situations. Because of that, I think the sequel is better than the prequel. It was so good that it also got some critical acclaim from other notable anime bloggers. While the second season had its share of ridiculously funny moments, there is one episode in particular that made me fell out of my seat laughing.
Believe it or not, Episode 3 was just strange in a funny way with its own “Escape from Alcatraz” parody. Milky Holmes happens to find a mud boat on a beach and rides on it, which obviously fell apart rather quickly. Then they get thrown in a jail, which has guards forcing prisoners pick up sea slugs while they perform some kind of musical. Yeah, the whole thing is crazy, but that was tame compared to the epic battle with the “King of Lard,” but you get the point.
Even though the second season’s OVA backs away from the insanity for a bit, this is what basically made Milky Holmes a big hit in my opinion.
Tomorrow: The Biggest Internet Strike Ever to save the Blogosphere.
Critical Acclaim –> link to me –> ahahahahaha
I hope you enjoyed it. 😉