Although most wouldn’t expect anyone to solve this, Oreki gave it another chance and he actually did it.
While there is a lack of Eru, it’s apparent that Oreki puts himself down on several occasions. I don’t know if it has to do with energy conservation or anything, but the self-esteem wasn’t there. Actually, it took some story telling about this athlete that won something after training so hard and saying, “I was just lucky” to motivate him. From what we have heard in the past, it seems like he is still ashamed of this ability because it’s the reason why Eru keeps dragging him around. Still, it appears that Fuyumi is trying to awaken him for some reason with the possibly of taking him as her romantic interest. Must be since she has some interest in the Classic Literature Club.
As for the mystery’s conclusion, it felt too simple even though it had a twist. Yeah, the horrible camera work and lighting made it seem too suspicious. On the other hand, its surprising how he said that the cameraman was the seventh character since that person was capable in carrying out a closed room murder. Not once he or she spoke to the group. When he came up with this conclusion, it reminded me of the first episode of The Idolmaster as the Producer recorded the girls on camera without actually interacting with them. Then again, it’s different as he probably used place cards or something to make them speak since the conversation wasn’t scripted. However, there is a flaw in this conclusion as he totally forgot about the rope. As seen in the last episode, the scriptwriter called for a rope, although it’s purpose is still unknown. Who knows? The cameraman probably used it to strangle the man and then promptly saw his arm off. Then again, it’s just my wild guess.

With the mystery taking no account of the rope, it leaves a lot of questions. Perhaps Fuyumi just wanted a conclusion and believed that the item had no relevance to the story whatsoever. No wonder the prop manager had a very dissatisfied look on his face! Even so, I got a bad feeling that Fuyumi is trying to make Oreki look bad in front of Eru so she can have him for herself. Maybe I have gotten ahead of myself and should just wait until next time for the actual answer to the said mystery.
“you’re special”, “you have skills”, “you can do it”.
Am I the only one thinking that she’s evil?! 😀
Maybe… then again, she probably wants to take Oreki away from Eru or something.