Only one more episode until the finale, but first… Kinji and Aria puts their butler/maid skills to the test.

To my surprise, when they infiltrated Vlad’s mansion, Sayonaki, one of the teachers of the Butei Academy apparently lives there. Besides from that, their two-week stay seemed relatively normal with Sayonaki focusing on his research and eating semi-raw meat. Besides from that, Aria looked incredibly cute in her maid outfit she picked out to the point of checking herself in the mirror. To put the cherry on the strawberry sundae, we get some fanservice shots of her when she and Kinji played pool during the night. While the pool playing kind of reminded me of another anime when Hayate played pool against Maria, it was a pretty fun scene.
Aside from the usual servant work, they carried out the operation with the help of Riko. It was surprising to see Sayonaki be so embossed with the roses with Aria when his vault being robbed by one of his students. I thought he would have a bad feeling that something was wrong. Even so, Riko gave a boost for Kinji, who managed to take the rosary back undetected in a nick of time.

In the end, I kind of expected that Riko would break her promise with Aria since she is a bad girl after all. She essentially used her first kiss on Kinji and the whole mission as an excuse to fight Aria again. Even if Riko has bad intentions, she is fairly cute in a bad way and you know, all boys want bad girls… (Not really since I want Shirayuki to win!)
Then again, what I am saying? Of course the Vlad (Sayonaki) is going to appear when he finds out that the rosary got stolen. This diversion is pretty much a red herring, which will lead us to the battle. Not to mention, we might see the real Kana in the finale as a shocker once the big fight is over.
Kinji should have said “très bien” to Aria in her maid outfit …..
11! Good stuff getting to see Aria in that maid uniform <3 <3
DAMN IT RIKO! SO BAD but oh so fun xD