After all the drama regarding Yuuno’s dramatic past, it is time for more comedy. In this wacky episode, Mio decides to take Taro on a date to see if the myth of “love triumphs masochism” is true.
I have to say, this episode is utterly ridiculous. Do you really think the power of love is strong enough to completely cure Taro’s masochistic personality? Of course not, because Michiru is going to mess it up like every other plan she executed in the past!

Taro’s date with Mio was absolutely crazy. It makes me wonder, why is every aspect of the plan is so flawed? Most of the time, the activities in Michiru’s plan involve violence and verbal abuse. For example, Mio tries to stuff food into Taro’s mouth and Taro being used as a tug a war rope in a fight against Mio and Yuuno. I think they are simply giving in to Taro’s masochism instead of practicing self-control.

Also, the trap Tatsukichi showed up, dressed as a meganekko maid; Tatsukichi’s outfit reveals her well-endowed fake chest that makes Mio jealous. She tries to take Taro away and even tries to kiss him! Like in the second episode, she makes fun of Mio’s bust size and Mio was not amused. Mio uses her violent overreactions to cover up her embarrassment from her lack of a chest.
The last scene was pretty ridiculous. Michiru had Mio dressed in a wedding outfit to pretend that Taro is marrying her. Of course, she came down with a very bad illness that causes her blushing of the cheeks. As a result of her sickness, Taro rushes her to the hospital. During the moments, Mio reveals her true feelings to Taro while the rush to the hospital. Do I smell a love triangle between Yuuno and Mio brewing?
In the end, Mio covers her feelings up like a true tsundere when she became well again and kicks the crap out of Taro…
This episode kind of reminded me of the outrageous date in Working! that involved Inami and Souma… This was no different; the whole date between them was so crazy that I could not take it seriously. Usually, dates are a pretty serious matter since it determines the ultimate fate of the relationship. From what I have seen, this date felt like a plan that went wrong like the Deep Horizon Oil Spill. I do not think that love could really get rid of his masochistic personality; it’s simply not powerful enough… Then again, how many failed plans can Michiru possibly come up with? Many of them!
So yeah… Myth busted!
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