What I didn’t know is that there is a game out there called the “Otaku Elimination Game” which someone check on the blog and criticizes on them. Looks good on paper, but the problem is the game is in my view is a personal attack on the bloggers than just giving constructive criticism so that people can improve on their anime blogs. After reading the first post, it’s more like X can’t microblog or y is a sheep because he uses a Mac and a iPhone or z liking the run-of-the -mill anime and characters.
Come on, get real… Personal attacks don’t solve anything or improve anything… It could be the same to internet trolling, let’s throw personal attacks because someone don’t necessarily agree with you… Not to mention, it’s very unprofessional to go on and attack someone personally because their blog have flaws or it’s something you don’t like… It went so far that Seinime at his blog took matters in his own hand and parodied the Otaku Elimination Game post…
If you really want constructive criticism, you should ask someone to look at your blog and have them make suggestions instead of participating in this pointless attack dog of a game… It’s no better than political candidates mudslinging each other with negative campaigning.
Update: It seems that they wrote a reply to this madness, but I still think they are wasting their time with their faux rage and insults instead of giving constructive criticism… Again, don’t feed their trolls, and they will eventually give up and go get a life. No point in wasting your time reading about them when they don’t know what the hell is a Otaku is or lists specifics what a Otaku should be.
You know that people would only take your so called “faux rage” or harsh criticism as an attack and they won’t probably care or give a crap what you say. Criticism is only helpful when it’s constructive and not harsh, so it can be more helpful and the person that give the criticism won’t look like a complete a-hole. That what I got to say about the whole Otaku Elimination thing, it’s completely stupid and a waste of time raging over. =p
Yea, it’s not a very good list either; limited. If someone was really going to do something as such, they should be more familiar with the entire sphere of things, and with regards to otaku, actual otaku blogs and not solely English-language blogs. -_-
Otaku elimination is trolling, people need to stop feeding it and just let it die.
Everyone should seriously ignore the website and let it die… or maybe they won’t since people will over-react. =p
Limited list means job security for them. After all, they can finish that first list and then struggle for a sequel. That is, if they remain that objective to truly criticize English “otaku” blogs.
If you take a look at their “About” section, read the last section.
“Where are your blogs? Who are YOU?”
We’re too busy watching reruns of かなめも to be blogging about the latest figma we won’t be buying or taking shitty pictures of Saber…
So they don’t have enough time to blog about anime/manga/figurines but they do with stupid weekly rants on a 4 random blogs? Someone explain the logic to me here (if it does exist).
.-= FFVIIKnight´s last blog ..Kyou no Asuka Show – Chapter 4 =-.
@FFVIIKnight : I see no logic in what they are doing, except trolling and doing personal attacks because they don’t feel like taking the time and blog about anime/manga/figurines/whatever just for attention… As one say, they are just one spoiled brat… just ignore them and hope they will go away… or maybe not… =o
Meh, I had fun.
Not too concerned with how the showdown will go. I mean, if they think my writing sucks and say so, I’ll have something to work on. It’s better than my current state where I have pretty much no commentary on how well I write. A little feedback, even if it’s negative, would be a very good thing for me.
.-= zzereoparticle´s last blog ..NEEDLESS Original Soundtrack – I got you under my skin – Review =-.
If they stick to their point about what it means to be an otaku, it’s fine. If they’re just insulting blogs for cheap laughs, they’re a waste of time.
.-= Baka-Raptor´s last blog ..Actually, Lucky Star is a Comedy =-.
@zzereoparticle such commentary is usually best from editors, or through email. Generally, if it’s troll commentary, can it really be trusted?
@Seinime lol you 🙂
I totally agree not to feed it. Which is why I didn’t mention it or link back to it. These things usually get old, and from the vibe, I think it’s a group of fairly new bloggers (maybe 1+ year).
Anyhow, of little consequence.