Now that Kitasan has done a lot of training so that she can win those G1 races, her rival, Duramente, is back in the game. Can she win against her in the Takarazuka Kinen?
Before we get to the big event, let’s focus on Dia first. Sure, she didn’t win one of the G1 races, but she said in a press conference that she won’t lose the Nippon Derby. After all, diamonds are tough and shine bright, and she will prove the doubters wrong that the Satono Jinx won’t happen to her.

Sadly, the Satono Jinx had legs as she came close to winning but came off a little short, meaning she got second place. She lost because part of her hooves came off her shoes. While Dia was so close, it pushed Kitasan to work harder to win this time. But of course, she showed an improvement, and, interestingly, Mihono and Rice Shower were looking at Kitasan practice to run.

While Kitasan does her road work, she saw Air Groove with no other than Duramente, who ran several races overseas after recovering. She dreams of taking on the world and racing in the Prix de I’Arc de Trimphe, which is a mouthful. From the interview, she only sees the other race as stepping stones. I find it funny how she walks away from the interview as she wants to keep training.

Indeed, it’s a crazy interview Kitasan saw. Still, Kitasan also got voted number one in a fan poll, while Duramente only got 6th. This gave Kitasan some confidence until it started to rain, and she forgot her umbrella. Seeing them talk to each other was interesting, given that Kitasan lost against her and felt bitter. She ran into Duramente by chance, and Kitasan shared what she thought of her from the interview. Of course, Duramente doesn’t know Kitasan’s name since she has eyes on her ultimate dream of achieving the most extreme challenges. Basically, Kitasan run into the rain after telling her name after getting fired up.

As for the Takarazuka Kinen, Kitasan maintained the lead until the last minute. Duramente had to try even harder, which caused her to subtly injure herself to catch up to a well-trained Kitasan. That is before River Light passed them from behind unexpectedly. I find it funny how Kitasan becomes surprised how a no-name horse surpassed her along with Duramente.

Sadly, despite Kitasan’s efforts, it’s not enough. Still, Kitasan is surprisingly not bitter, and Duramente recognizes Kitasan’s efforts. She admitted that she had to try harder since Kitasan had improved. Still, while Duramente didn’t win first place, she looks forward to rechallenging Kitasan, probably having to heal from her injury again. It’s the start of a new rival like Teio and McQueen, Symboli, and even Nice Nature. Can Kitasan do it? We’ll have to wait and see.
Glad Rice Bourbon and Gold Ship are still around. Need as many of my favorite horsies on my screen, including Air Groove.
I find Duramente’s seriousness adorable.
The finish to their epic race was the funniest in the series by far.
Glad Kita won the emotional battle. New friend made for Gen 3 Horsie Squad.
Rice and Mihono is a good pairing of course, but it’s nice to see horse girls as well.
But yes, it’s nice to see Duramente (besides being cute) finally recognizing Kitasan as her rival. Well hopefully Kitasan will get strong enough to eventually beat her someday, although it might take a while since, Duramente kind of injured herself again.