After Euphie wonders about her purpose after testing the tool Anis just made, she catches a cold. However, it leads to lovely moments as Euphie recovers from a cold.
Euphie feels a bit envious of Anis’s free spirit personality from the last time. However, she also finds herself empty, like not having a purpose. After all, all the progress she made to become the perfect person to potentially become queen was taken away.

After Euphie has someone lie on her lap for the first time, Anis finally wakes up. As expected. Ilia becomes upset, sleeping outside as she catches her. Apparently, Euphie really liked how she liked lying on Euphie’s lap as Ilia tried to chastise her. Of course, Ilia mentions how stinky and a mess Anis is as she gets upset.

Eventually, Euphie’s heart throbs as Anis has eye contact with her. Finally, she realizes that Euphie has a cold, bringing her to bed. This probably brings the loveliest intimate moments, besides the ones in the last two episodes. After taking medicine, Anis mentioned that she ignored Euphie since she was so wrapped up creating the Arc-en-Ciel.

While Anis talks about the new tool she developed, it’s evident that Euphie envies the free-spirited personality Anis has. She describes this as a beautiful bird that flies as far it wants. However, she feels she has nothing as she sees herself falling and going nowhere. Anis notices that Euphie is out of it when Euphie says she envies what Anis has, and she feels empty. Without any orders, she has no sense of direction. Finally, Euphie is so desperate that she wants Anis to give her an order, so she has a purpose.
Thankfully, Anis thinks differently. Anis says that if Euphie doesn’t know what Euphie wants or should want, she will take the time to look for it together. This is not too surprising since Anis is happy when she is with Euphie. She wants to help set her free. Yep, Anis will, in doubt, help Euphie find a new purpose. But, of course, Euphie needs to get over her cold first.

We get a nice moment where Anis goes on top of her to feel Euphie’s forehead to check her temperature. It almost seemed as if they were about to kiss, but they didn’t. Instead, she was with Anis looking after her as Euphie rested. After Euphie wakes up, she realizes how warm Anis is, making her chest ache. Yep, she is finally warming up to Anis.

The following day, Euphie was walking when she saw Anis practicing her fighting skills. Ilia realizes that Anis self-thought herself to fight. Finally, Ilia shared some of her experiences trying to live up to her parent’s expectations, which Anis shattered.

Ilia believes that only Euphie can handle Anis’s free-spirited personality and silliness. Still, it’s not surprising that Ilia sees Euphie as a reasonable person and less of a handful than Anis as she tells Euphie to worry to her heart’s content as Anis will buy her the time she needs. Ilia mentions that Anis took her in as she did with Euphie. From this, Euphie admits that she is happy to make the right decision to come to the villa.

Suddenly, Anis shares an urgent rest as she heads out to make an urgent request from the adventurer’s guild. I’m not surprised how Euphie gets caught off guard finding out that Anis is an adventurer. She wants to take down a dragon since it has valuable magical materials she was looking for. Not surprising since she really needs them to build her magical tools.

I guess Euphie finds the idea of a princess being an adventurer outlandish. But, after remembering what Ilia talked about and the desire to be like Anis, she decides to tag along. Yep, Anis becomes surprised, but she is probably happy that Euphie made this decision. Her magical skills can become very helpful against a dragon.

Of course, Anis’s rebellious older brother, Algard, who is under house arrest for breaking the arranged marriage, wants to fight the dragon. I find Anis’s father’s reaction when Anis left Euphie quite funny. Yep, it looks like Algard is screwed yet again. Maybe he should stay home and reflect on his actions, as his future is well screwed.
Reviews from Other Bloggers:
- The Magical Revolution Episode 4: Caged Heart – The Yuri Empire
Tenten Kakumei – 04 – Breaking the Mold – RABUJOI – An Anime Blog
- The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Episode 4: Favorites – Crow’s World of Anime
Anis shows her protagonist power as she unknwoingly destroy the prince’s schemes, at the same time she heals the heart of her beloved with the help of the cool maid Illya (best wingwoman this week).
And the next week promises to be full of action, as expected in battles with dragons (with little exceptions).
Not too surprising since Anis despite being free-sprited seems more competent compared to her younger brother who is fumbling bad. Still, I agree that it’s nice to see her work her magic on Euphie’s heart and it appears that she is showing signs of falling for her finally.
Should be interesting how they do in battle next time.
Anis and Euphie have me in the palm of their hands. Their relationship is SO GOOD and we’re not even at the halfway point yet. Excited to see them face the dragon.
Agreed, the developments in this episode, especially that scene where Euphie is in bed was especially nice. Also, interested to see them in battle with the dragon next time as Euphie finally joins in.