Now I’m totally hopeless… because it’s all Kadokawa’s fault of deciding to repeat it more than 6 times when it’s supposed to be 6… Even six is too many episodes.
Seriously… Endless Eight is a big waste of money and time to animate… I rather have Kyoto Animation dump Endless Eight and start putting their efforts to animating Little Busters!, but I still wonder how much money they wasted animated Endless Eight crap… I mean… a Little Busters! anime will be alot better than a whole season of Endless Eight.
Now, KADOKAWA owes me 7 strawberry sundaes to forgive me now! (No, I’m not referring to the 7 strawberry sundaes in the Kanon VN)
Fan Reactions
resoLv777 from AnimeSuki made a downfall of Haruhi.
Also, CCYoshi (the author of Mega Megane Moé) also made two of them,
Haruhi S2 dropped to a 7.50 within one week.
This Music Video by Jinto from AnimeSuki pretty much sums everything up
Cartoon Leap: Endless Eight is still Endless and NICE BUTT!
At AnimeSuki, Episode 5 remains the most negatively voted episode with Episode 7 trailing 5 in ratings.
Endless Eight in a Mathematical Sense
Also, Mathematical proof that Endless Eight is Endless (using Calculus)… Take a limit of f(x)=15527+x as x goes to infinity. x represents how many times Kyon does not do his homework… The solution therefore is:
Infinite, meaning Endless Eight is Endless and will never end.
What’s wrong with the picture? Have Haruhi truely “Jumped the Shark” this time?
Ever since Endless Eight started, we have thought that it would end on the second episode… Instead, the Endless Eight arc have dragged on for so long that people started to blame someone (Kyoani and/or Kadokawa) on the handling of the Haruhi S2 anime… Believe me, Endless Eight is what made the Haruhi series jumped the shark… It will never be the same ever again since expectations have lowered across the board… so, good luck on selling those DVDs, Kadokawa….
In conclusion, This is got to be worst stunt for Kadokawa to play… while hurting Kyoani’s reputation with it, but they will recover someday, but for Kadokawa… not so much. (does this part give you the sense of deja vu?)
If Endless Eight doesn’t end next week, just watch something else so you will keep your sanity… It will eventually end when pigs fly.