When I shared my thoughts about collecting Anime Merchandise, I mentioned that my room is messy compared to other fans that are able to display posters, figures and such. Because of this reason, my computer is perhaps one of the only ways to advertise that I am a fan of anime. This is where wallpapers come into play.
Thoughts about Marathoning or watching Weekly and How I Watch Anime
In a recent post that Kai wrote last week about watching weekly or marathon shows got me thinking: How do people generally watch Anime? With streaming, powerful tablets and smartphones, there are more places where one can watch it. Even so, people are going to have different preferences on how much they watch and where they watch it. (Image Source)
Journey of Self-Studying Japanese – Study Strategies and Technology
Since it’s been about 8 months since I started Learning Japanese, I want to touch on some of the strategies and resources I used to practice and retain what I have learned. This includes a mix of traditional practice and technology to help me out. (Image Source)