Well, it’s never too late to post about Shiori’s birthday, right?
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Since Shiori’s birthday is next week, I decided to blog about the three episodes of Shiori, since she is my #1 favorite character…
Shiori: Yuuichi… I wonder what would happen if I took Misuzu’s place in Air… Would the story become more dramatic?
Yuuichi: I don’t think so.
Shiori: I don’t like people who say things like that…
Although Shiori’s story is probably my most favorite story arc… however, how much dramatic if Shiori and her sister goes in the world of Air… I have been wondering that ever since I played Shiori’s arc… although she have a happy ending at the end, I still wonder about her bittersweet ending.
But why Shiori? Shiori have very similar qualities as Misuzu, except he childishness and also love for dinosaurs… and Ice Cream will pretty much fit in summer.
Read more to find out what I’m planning (yes, it contains spoilers from the VN although most of it is going to be made up)
Shiori Misaka is probably the most unappreciated character in Kanon considering how many people like the other girls: Ayu, Nayuki, Makoto, Mai. Shiori that I felt after watching her arc made me appreciate her more because she is the most “down to earth” girl compared to the others in Yuuichi’s harem (although technically Kanon is not really a stereotypical harem anime.) The main reason why I also like Misuzu and Nagisa is they are vastly similar to Shiori because of their tragic endings and also they don’t have friends until the male lead comes.
There is many things I like about her… her rather cute appearance, her love for ice cream and hate for spicy foods, and her rememberable catchphrase “I don’t like people who say such things!” when Yuuichi says rude things about her. Beside from the point, her story is a rather tragic one and after watching it made me appreciate her more because what would happen if you were sick and your sister/brother forgot about you because they are afraid of you dying when they get too close to you. Yeah, that would stink a lot, but people need stay strong and have a purpose to live and helping others will… That what Yuuichi, as a jerk he his sometimes, helps to make Shiori happy and remend the relationship with her older sister.
If you like Misuzu and Nagisa, I see less of a reason not to like Shiori after watching her arc… unless you into more moe types, Shiori remains to be my most favorite Kanon character.
Fanart used in this post is made by moonknives. original source