I have noticed a drop of quality posts ever since K-ON! started (no offense to people who like it). I have been seeing posts with only a picture with a few lines of text which spills quantity over quality.
I pretty much agree with this person because people want to read interesting articles about Anime and at the same time have readable articles with no grammatical mistakes.
To prevent pollution of the Aniblogosphere, I suggest the following:
- Don’t just post a picture and a few lines of text… It’s not interesting to the readers. If you have something minor to say, open up a Twitter account and have people follow you so you can share your interesting findings if you can’t write much about it.
- Proofread your posts before publishing! I suggest using the grammar/spell check and reading it to yourself so you can find the errors in your post.
- Be creative… Post your own thoughts about something thats bothering you about Anime or anything related to that. Don’t just post countless posts about something that people might know already, unless you really wanted to. That way, you can catch the readers attention and also have the potential for people to come back and read your Anime blog. Also, try to add interesting facts about the episode you might know or write in a different voice.
- Be creative with your blog layout… The problem with some blogs is that they use the same dull, generic theme that have been used by many blogs. If you know PHP or HTML and/or good at Photoshop, make your own theme so it will make you stand out from other blogs.