Despite Yugiri mainly being broken and put back in storage, Haisakura moves on. This time, she spends time with Gekka as they deal with an egg shortage. Starting to sound like what we are experiencing with Covid-induced supply chain issues.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Moe (萌え) is a Japanese slang that refers to strong affection towards characters that are usually female.
Despite Yugiri mainly being broken and put back in storage, Haisakura moves on. This time, she spends time with Gekka as they deal with an egg shortage. Starting to sound like what we are experiencing with Covid-induced supply chain issues.
I was tired after returning home from vacation after a chaotic week. As a result, I decided not to watch Prima Doll yesterday. After all, I wasn’t quite in the mood to watch something sad yesterday. However, now that I am well-rested, I suppose now is time to share my thoughts on the first episode.
After coming back from a week-long vacation to visit my parents in New Jersey, I’m back to see a chaotic week. This includes Kazuki Takahashi passing away and what happened to Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which is shocking and upsetting. As a result, I didn’t get much sleep because of today’s events.
That said, it’s probably not the best time to check something sad like Prima Dolls or Warau Arsnotoria Sun. Maybe I marathon Shadows House and cover the second season. This is something that I might do instead and leave the other two shows for later. Otherwise, the summer season looks a bit empty, with me covering only three shows.
Since I feel exhausted, I want to take my mind off and cover something lighthearted. Perhaps Chloe going to Japan for a two-day trip to visit Kanna? Absolutely! I wonder how Riko would react when she meets Chloe.
Momo and Shamiko enter Mikan’s body to talk to Ugallu. Clearly, it went a bit over the top.
With summer vacation finally over, Mikan transferred into Shamiko’s and Momo’s school. However, Mikan’s curse eventually catches up to her at the worst possible time.
Selenia does the unthinkable and makes Fa kill Kotone. But is this really the end of Kotone? Maybe not as someone finds a way to revive her.
As Mikan has to deal with vermin as she transfers schools, Shamiko tries to find a better use for her rod that can turn into anything.
We find that Fa is not the dragon attacking the city. However, we don’t know why Selenia’s intentions as well.
After missing the chance to pet the baby tiger and eat Shamiko’s cooking during their date outing, Momo feels that she is in the dumps. This causes her to transform into her Darkness Peach form. I wonder why?
If the last scene of the previous episode showed what is to come, it becomes obvious here as Kotone finds Fa missing. Not only that, but she is in the news in a photo at the site of the dragon attack, and she becomes very anxious that Rakira and Rufuria notice.
After Momo forces Shamiko to do an all-nighter to finish her math homework, there is the zoo picnic. Of course, Shamiko wants to make a special meal to share with everyone.
Now that Kotone and her friends are nearing their monthly goal, they hope this deal will go through. However, when they checked the property out, they spent time relaxing instead. Also, it feels like they are being prepared to become food.
While there was a one-week delay, and it’s not Shamiko’s fault, she finally goes to a summer festival. Guess who showed up there as well. Also, she is having trouble completing her homework, particularly math.
Now that Kotone and Fa returned from their short summer vacation, it’s back to the usual routine. Of course, Kotone, Rufuria, Rakira and Fa decided to go into a fancy clothes shop. Also, the mystery behind Fa deepens.
While it seems that Fa is having an easy time, it seems that Kotone’s client scolded her for showing a certain house. Also, Kotone pays a visit to her parents and brought Fa along.
Now that Shamiko met Sakura in her dream, can she find the memory she is looking for. Also, it seems that Momo becomes worried that Shamiko won’t wake up. It’s obvious what is going to happen next, right?
It looks like the fake dragon was a red herring. To be expected since the dragon is a large but disappears after attacking a village. Understandably, Kotone is worried that it might be Fa. Meanwhile, Kotone, Fa, Rakira, and Rufuria has some work to do as Serah expects another bail out.
After Shamiko recovers from becoming brainwashed by Lico’s food, she and her friends continue to search clues about Momo’s older sister. Of course, the answer may lie in Shamiko herself.
Kotone and her friends are at a beach to find a house that the old man who gifted her a house. Also, we find out who is that dragon that is in the news.
After Shamiko finally learned how to use the computer and the internet, she continues her search for other demons like her. Then funny thing is that Momo reminded Shamiko what she forgot since that time.
As expected, a woman with a Pegasus is looking for a place to live. While Kotone can relate to her, she finds a harsh reality of finding a place suitable for her and the Pegasus. Also, we learn more about Rufuria and why she wants to do the deal to selling a mansion that used to be her home.
At last, Shamiko finally discovers the internet after not knowing what it is. Also, we learn more about Lilith as she borrows Shamiko’s body again.
Now, the girls at RPG Real Estate now have the task to find someone who will rent a haunted apartment. Yep, it’s very spooky indeed.
Now that Momo and Mikan moved next door to Shamiko, they finally start investigating Sakura’s whereabouts. Of course, Shamiko finds a strange looking wand during the process.