For a while now, Gust has specialized in turn-based role-playing games, namely for the Atelier and Ar tonelico franchise. Yoru nai Kuni (よるのないくに, lit: Land without Darkness) also known as Nights of Azure in the west is Gust’s first attempt at an action role-playing game. With that in mind, how will their first action role-playing game will fare?
Japanese RPG
Japanese Role Playing Games: Why They aren’t being Localized?
After watching a video about someone’s thoughts about Japanese RPGs and the losing popularity of the genre in the west, it got me wondering why this is the case because Japanese video game developers are becoming more reluctant to localize more releases. I think there are some reasons why they feel this way. (Image Source)
The Recette Effect or How Capitalism became so Addictive
Or rather how you price gauge your customers with the items you find in the dungeons FOR FREE! This game pretty much makes the executives at AIG look like greedy wusses… Or maybe not since they are not nearly as adorable like the girls in Recettear.