Its kind of funny that Murphy’s Law always kicks in at the worst possible time. At first, I thought grass was greener on the other side with Virtual Private Hosting having better uptime and security (if set up properly). Unfortunately, that is not the case. In short, the server started having high load times this morning. This is probably the reason why you had a hard time loading any page on my blog. Believe it or not, I experienced high load times in the past that lasted all June before dropping to normal levels despite not impacting performance. The only difference this time is that the website could barely load and readers kept getting 500 Internal Server Errors. Because of this, I decided to change servers.
Believe it or not, although OpenVZ is cheaper than Xen hosting, it has its share of problems. Since it’s not actual virtualizing or can be viewed as running a computer that is shared by everyone although you can use it at the same time, it caused more stability problems with overselling. Since Xen hosting is not that much more per month, I decided to switch to that. At least with that, you get a dedicated slice of resources (CPU, RAM, SWAP and HD), ability to use the latest OSes and more isolation. For that, I dived in and luckily, I got everything up within a few hours of getting the new server since I have backups. While it will cost more than the last one and I still have to move more stuff and tweak the server settings, I hope there will be less problems so I can spend time blogging and do other things besides messing with the server.
Also, if you experience any problems or have any thoughts, please leave them in the comments below.