When Koma and Koito came to the shrine’s backroom, they saw Elda panicking over a missing figure. Who might be the culprit?
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
When Koma and Koito came to the shrine’s backroom, they saw Elda panicking over a missing figure. Who might be the culprit?
The big day has come as Aoi and Eve face off in the Woman’s All British Open golf tournament. However, Juha Hamilail stands in the way of a final match between Aoi and Eve.
It becomes obvious who wins the Blume election. However, can Sumika mend things with Kanako?
Yuna brought back a replacement chef from the royal capital. That is after pulling some strings thanks to some string pulling from Eleonore. How would those rogue nobles from the West of Sheelin react to this?
Since it’s the fall, Noa finally announces they are doing Phantom of the Opera for their fall performance. In the same play, Kathrina’s mother, Theresa, performed a scene with Noa. However, Shizuka starts to think, should she perform in this performance?
After Elda and Koito deal with the roof leak and clean up Elda’s closet, we glimpse their daily lives. Of course, the other elf goddess gets a focus too.
Eve has finally gone pro, but it comes at a cost, as her whole body is injured. Also, Amame finds out that Aoi has the same disease as her father. Are their dream of facing off each other over?
While we learn why Kanako developed a crush on Hime. However, we discover another part of the story about Sumika. Whatever happened to Nene that caused Sumika to want to break up Kanako’s crush on Hime?
Recently, it seems as if centralized platforms have been in turmoil. Besides, Twitter is becoming full-on “Truth Social” or 4chan/8chan and a cesspool of hate, including rampant racism and queerphobia. Now, there is turmoil at Reddit, where third-party applications are at risk of shutting down with people threatening to leave.
With interest rates rising, causing VC funding to dry up with persistent inflation, the negative moves made by corporate-run, centralized platforms will impact content creators and followers. Still, people are reluctant to join the Fediverse since it seems complicated. It doesn’t have to, and I will disprove this myth.
Note: I’m making yet another post since WordPress finally released Autosharing to Mastodon today. Therefore, I want the Aniblogosphere become aware of our instance at Sakurajima where a good number of Anime Bloggers are already there.
Yuna, Noa, and Fina finally arrive at Misa’s family castle for a birthday party. Little Yuna knew there was some territorial infighting between the two noble families.