Now that Kitasan won against Dia, there comes the festival, and Kitasan is the central part of it. However, is Kitasan taking on too much?
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Now that Kitasan won against Dia, there comes the festival, and Kitasan is the central part of it. However, is Kitasan taking on too much?
With the Rocket Launching Preliminaries underway, can Umika’s team pull through? As you see, Umika starts to doubt herself.
With Lene exiled, Claire feels a bit down. However, a particular young lady who is also interested in Rae transfers into the academy. Well, Rae gets a bit jealous.
After Kitasan feels down about her loss against Dia, she decides what to do as her goal. That is to get a win that puts smiles on people’s faces. Yes, to remake that moment that Teio had. Before the big race, Kitasan’s chance to face Dia in a rematch in the Spring Tennoushou, she takes her somewhere. It becomes obvious why?
Now that Umika decides she will try harder, the girls continue preparing for the upcoming rocket launch contest. Of course, things hit a nerve with Matataki and her members with days left.
As Claire and Rae face off against a Chimera that got summoned. Can they join forces and defeat it? Also, what will Lampert and Lene’s fate be, given what they have done?
With Komari setting off her Core Implosion and thus defeating Delphyne in the process and Sakuna defeating Flote, what happened to Sakuna that caused her to get involved with Inverse Moon?
Last time, sure, Kitasan sang on the same stage as Dia after she only got second on the Arima Kinen. However, Kitasan still feels down, and I became apparent why.
This is one stacked episode as Umika does her first club president meeting. Also, apparently, the girls need a license to launch rockets? Lastly, Yuu spends some time with Umika when she feels down.
Last time, one of the leading members of the Commoner’s Movement got injured in a conflict. However, the commoners don’t have it, as class conflict and income inequality come front and center.