LLENN has decided to participate with her members on LFPM for the playtest. While LLENN hopes to rechallenge Team SHINC, we know how this turns out.
As expected, LLENN saw SHINC from far away. Of course, when she saw the bullet line, she had to hide behind a boulder. Yep, the machine gun team thinks it’s a battle royale when it’s not. Eventually, the rest of the team met up with LLENN. Although the bullets hit Fuuka, she managed to heal.

Eventually, LLENN went ahead and ran into Eva. Given the situation, she decides not to face her in a match, and it would be too easy of a win. Instead, SHINC teamed up with LFPM to deal with them since they are troublesome. Of course, to pull off the defeat of the machine gun team, Pitohui and Tanya self-destruct so they can go behind the machine gun team and ambush them.

Of course, M distracted them by saying he loves machine guns and has an M53. Yep, that team asks him to join and to buy a gun off him. As expected, he turns it down as they continue shooting, and the other players distract him. Eventually, Pitohui and Tanya came to finish the Machine Gun team off.
LLENN seems amazed they pulled it off. Eventually, SHINC and LFPM went their ways as they wanted to investigate those base guys. After all, the other teams seem focused on getting to the base. LLENN scouts to see how the base holds the tough NPCs. That is while the rest of the team finds a safe place.

As expected, we know what happened to LLENN in the last episode. The NPCs at the base, basically a castle, shoot at LLENN, and there are no bullet lines. The NPCs eventually killed LLENN as she had to wait to respawn. LLENN, of course, realizes that defeating the NPCs at the base will not be easy. LLENN met up with the rest of the LFPM members.

As expected, M plays with his new toy, a drone, to learn more about the base. They find out the members of the “ultimate” NPC team. As expected, they are formidable, and it’s funny to hear what Fukka thinks about each member. They also see the other teams try to approach and get to the castle. Of course, all of them were unsuccessful. Even Team SHINC and LLENN seem shocked that the whole team got wiped out. In other words, the only way they are going to defeat that team is teamwork

As expected, the machine gun team surrenders to the ultimate team. I doubt the ultimate NPC team will accept their surrender and kill them.