After Sakiko manages to bring Mutsumi thanks to a CRYCHIC reunion, Umiri is waiting for Sakiko and Mutsumi as she wants to revive Ave Mujica. However, her lofty goal of getting back together seems a bit difficult.
Mutsumi is happy that she manages to reunite with Crychic. However, Sakiko does’ ( want to revive Ave Mujica. Umiri asks about Crychic, but Taki says this is the past, as Umiri wants to reform Ave Mujica.

With that, Sakiko helps Mutsumi to catch up with her homework and classwork. While Mutsumi asks if Sakiko will return to school, she wants to spend time with Mutsumi for now. Sakiko eventually intends to take Mutsumi out as she takes her out for Karaoke. Of course, they saw the list of Ave Mujica songs, which they didn’t sing. Mutsumi eventually sang a song by Pastel Palettes.

After she sang, she wanted to reunite with CRYCHIC again before Mutsumi changed to Mortis. Sakiko thanks Mortis for allowing her to see Mutsumi again. That is, while Mortis is trying to convince Mutsumi that CRYCHIC is over and that Mutsumi has never existed since the beginning. That is while Nyamu talked with Mori. Mori seems disappointed that Nyamu turned down a live stage role until Mori mentions that Mutsumi is a born actress. Mortis reveals that Mutsumi is just the many roles and ideally one.

Mutsumi is one of the roles who can play guitar, and Mortis is Mutsumi’s outgoing personality. Sakiko, of course, created her. To save Mutsumi, she needs Ave Mujica. Otherwise, Mortis will disappear. While Mortis wants CRYCHIC to be over, of course, Ave Mujica is the band disbanded because Sakiko refuses to revive it. With that, Mutsumi wants to get rid of Mortis.

As expected, Umiri hasn’t given up on reviving Ave Mujica. She tries to recruit Nyamu. She leaves her bass with Taki, and she goes out and buys all the Nyamu merch to get Nyamu by her side. It’s funny to see Nyamu with all the bags Umiri has. Nyamu, of course, receives a call while she talk to someone from the agency. Yes, it’s funny to see Umiri with all those bags after she revealed that she got dumped by Sakiko and Mutsumi.

Umiri eventually talked with Nyamu at a café. Umiri reveals that she formed a band. It went well, but she was boycotted for interfering too much on the day of the event. As a result, she joined several bands so it won’t happen again. Ave Mujica is one of those who she wants to revive, but Nyamu doesn’t believe her. She won’t rejoin unless Mutsumi joins again. It’s funny how Umiri asks if they wish to reunite with Ave Mujica via text message.

With that, Umiri eventually sees Mutsumi or, rather, Mortis. She knows that Mortis can’t play guitar. While Mortis doesn’t want to disappear, Umiri will simply teach Mortis to play guitar while saying she will become something real, but even if she beautifies it, she will never become real because dolls are dolls. The question is, can Umiri pull it off? We’ll find out next time.