Now that Soyo has found out what happened to Sakiko, she seems determined to have well Sakiko settle things with Mutsumi.

From last time, Soyo went to the apartment where she thought Sakiko might be living. After discovering she doesn’t live there, she realizes what with Sakiko. Soyo eventually conflicts with Sakiko over Mutsumi, but she ultimately drags her to Mutsumi’s house.

When Sakiko visits Mutsumi, Mortis says terrible things to Sakiko, saying that she is a bad kid and accusing her of not having a heart and not even being human. That is before Mortis calls everyone else a traitor. However, when Anon, Tomori, and Soyo walk back, Anon realizes that Mortis is saying a line from a drama. Sakiko realizes that she made Mutsumi into a doll. She starts to cry and thinks that she is not human at all.

Eventually, Sakiko tries to meet Mutsumi, but she finds out from Mutsumi’s daughter that she doesn’t want to meet Sakiko. Still, Soyo seems focused on Mutsumi rather than practice. Sakiko stays as Mutsumi begs Mortis, saying she wants to meet Sakiko, but Mortis won’t let her. Eventually, she meets Sakiko as Mutsumi before Mortis slaps her hands. That is when Sakiko hugs her and begs Mutsumi to become normal. She will do anything she wants. Still, Mortis is in control as she runs back into the house, not sure what she wants to do.
As expected, Anon and her friends are worried about Mutsumi and haven’t finished the new song. Eventually, Taki wants Anon to tell Mutsumi’s address. She came to Mutsumi’s house and apologized to Sakikko as Soyo came along and gave her a bag of vegetables. Of course, they realize the live performance is today, and they will be late for the rehearsal.

Eventually, Mortis allows Sakiko to meet Mutsumi, and she apologizes as Sakiko admits that it’s her fault. Mutsumi eventually apologizes to Taki, Soyo, and eventually Tomori. Of course, Tomori revealed that she changed the lyrics as Sakiko wants to become human again.

Eventually, the original members of CRYCHIC (with Mutsumi borrowing Anon’s guitar) were lovely, and of course, I teared up. It’s nice to see the original band come back together. Of course, Mutsumi thanks Anon for allowing her to borrow the guitar. After seeing the live, we see Umiri waiting outside, expecting a reunion. Like with MyGo, will Sakiko manage to revive Ave Mujica? We have to wait and see next time.