Minami finally bought her new club. However, she is having trouble getting it over 100 yards. Yep, she needs to do some training.

As Minami shows off her new club to Izumi, I find it funny how she brags about managing to hit a ball to 110 yards. She doesn’t realize that she played in a simulator. At the range, Minami couldn’t hit it 100 yards. When Haruka comes, she discovers Minami’s struggles when she is not using the right golf ball. Either way, she thinks she can do it as she snuggles to get the ball far.

After work, Haruka comes over and discovers that Minami is still struggling. Haruka gives her tips on how to drive a ball and that she needs to visualize how the ball flies. When she does it, it becomes easier to move the body. After all, you must consider the course, the wind, and the air on a wide course. You know what this means: Haruka wants to take Minami and Hoshimi to a more significant course.

Of course, they need to prepare for it. Minami has to study for her midterms first. That is what she did while Hoshimi and Haruka did their usual practice. After Minami takes the midterms, Minami’s mind becomes exhausted until Izumi reminds her of golf when she asks about getting those crapes. I guess they aren’t happening as Minami ran to the range.

Before they, of course, do a whole course, Haruka gives her some training. That involves weight training, namely with the legs, which, of course, she struggled with. It’s funny how Minami tickles Haruka’s stomach by touching it. Hoshimi came, and they had tea and exercise to help relieve the fatigue. It’s funny how Minami also touches Hoshimi’s stomach as Hoshimi asks which exercise is the best. Minami hopes to do her best with both.

With that, they eventually ended up in a sauna to relax. I guess this can be considered a swimsuit episode. Of course, Minami can’t handle how hot it gets in the sauna as Hoshimi and Haruka get into a match about how long they can last. Minami wants to leave since it’s too hot, but they won’t let her.

After all that training, they relax outside. Hoshimi shares how she managed to get an eagle on a course she went with Haruka. Minami finds out that negative scores are named after birds. Eventually, the training paid off as Minami managed to get over 110 yards. It’s funny how Hoshimi sticks an ice pop in Minami’s mouth as a reward. With that, Minami should be ready to take on the golf course Hoshimi and Haruka plans to take her.
@chikorita157 Probably not intentional, but it almost looks like she's advertising Misskey with that UMi visor.
The font seems similar, interesting find.
This episode was a blessing. Hopefully they manage to squeeze in a swimsuit episode before the end of the show though I’m not sure if they can find an excuse for one.