With a disgruntled adventurer trying to intimidate Laila over requesting a secret quest, Alina might have to deal with her.

As expected, Alina steps in, trying to explain that there are no secret quests he can get, and he gets upset. He threatens Alina, accusing her that she is hiding them. That is until the Silver Sword leader came in to confront the guy. Of course, he is there, still trying to recruit Alina despite her saying no. This guy is getting a bit too persistent and bordering on harassment.
With that, Alina doesn’t feel like going to work as Silver Sword’s leader won’t stop making it too obvious. She even thinks about roughing him up, but of course, that can get her fired. Also, Alina can’t stay home either and escape reality. After all, she took out a 30-year mortgage to buy her dream home.

When she eats lunch, the funny thing is the Silver Sword leader shows up. Yep, she had enough as she took out her hammer, and of course, he continued to ask about that skill. Alina didn’t answer her as she went back to work as she said she would never join Silver Sword.

We learned she got the skill two years ago when she started working. She was doing overtime since she was not used to her job yet. She worked hard to finish her job and participate in the festivities. After all, the centennial festival was going on. When she got there, it was already over, and Alina became very upset. She worked her hardest, and she can’t get the joys of life since, over time, incompetent adventurers won’t let her. With that, Alina desires excellent power to end the overtime hell Alina is in. Somehow, she got her wish in the end.

Meanwhile, the guy who intimidated Alina decides to use the golem someone is trying to bring back to terrorize the town. Of course, the Silver Sword leader tries to face the guy controlling the golem. The funny thing is that Alina is doing a bunch of paperwork when she hears a loud sound as rocks fly towards where she hopes it doesn’t. When she finds out, a large boulder destroyed her home, and she has no place to live now. I hope she has insurance to rebuild.

Either way, Alina finally snaps as she threatens to kill the perpetrator while disguised as the “Executioner.” See how the Sliver Sword leader almost revealed the identity, but of course, Alia not only defeats the golem but nearly smashed the perpetrator with her giant hammer. Thankfully for him, the hammer only hit very close to him, but he got a good scare not to mess with her.

Silver Sword leader, of course, offered Alina a place to stay. As expected, she refuses as she is never going to do that. She tells him to go away. Meanwhile, some officials inspected the Iffole and found out that the Executioner protected it, but of course, he thinks it was a fatal mistake on their part. Of course, Alina, without a home to go to, has to do more overtime while the Silver Sword leader is there trying to help her. Somehow, she gets angry at him. While the relic shined and revealed a quest, of course, Alina is like. She will not get involved, and he and Silver Sword can handle it.

Alina finds out the Executioner is in the news again. Again, Laila gushes over the “Executioner.” Of course, Laila almost guessed that Alina might be the Executioner when she fell short of saying by assuming Alina is a fan of theirs. Of course, the guild manager, Sigurth Chronos, approaches Alina and asks her about his skill. After she knows that he can stop time and observe events in the past, Alina knows that she is screwed. He knows that the “Executioner” is Alina as she sulks while Silver Sword’s leader, Jade, and the other members are there. That is when Alina tells the Silver Sword leader that she hates him and wishes he died.

When Alina arrived at the training ground, Alina met with Sigurth. He, of course, challenges her to a duel. Yep, he knows, but can Alina reject this duel? Either way, it looks like Alina will take part in a challenging dungeon, but will she join Silver Sword? We have to wait and see next time.
@chikorita157 The show is great and she’s awesome. I hope it stays this good.
And she felt genuinely angry. Not trying to sound cool and epic angry. Just pure anger.
Well, if you have your house destroyed by some perp, I would totally understand why she will feel that way after possibly having to do more overtime.
@chikorita157 Seems like they always push her into overdrive and get her that angry once an episode, which takes away from it.
Some things repeated make them better, some just takes away the impact. Plus I never like cheap gasp effects you can’t walk back. Almost never had a main character made the whole better.
There’s an example in a certain game I like. But that’s a big spoiler. But damn did they treat it well then.
I still like the show. Want more!