Mutsumi passes out during the performance and acts like she is dead. Sachiko wonders what led to this, but it becomes obvious.
When Mutsumi made that dramatic fall into a chair after realizing she had made a mistake, everyone was surprised. Sakiko has to change her plans as they determine what to do next. Somehow, they managed to salvage the performance, but she wondered why she did this. Mutsumi admits that she did this since she made a big mistake. The girls are surprised since Mutsumi is not usually like this.

After Mutsumi went home, she couldn’t sleep. She has hallucinations of puppets and, of course, a stuffed version of Mortis. But it shows Mutsumi’s state of mind with the pressure she faces from high expectations. Of course, we learn how she got into playing guitar. Of course, it’s not only the high expectations to perform well but also the fact that she feels that she is the cause of ruining CRYCHIC as Sachiko cries and disbands the band.

Meanwhile, Sachiko feels that she hasn’t done to be more attentive to her. Also, Naymu seems to have Mutsumi on her mind. She went to her place and told her that maybe Mutsumi would give up on leaving Mujica and go at it alone. Of course, she refuses since Sakiko’s band will fall apart if she leaves. Of course, Nyamu tells her the only reason she joined Mujica as a stepping stone. Mutsumi wonders why Nyamu keeps saying terrible things about Sakiko. Even her conscience wants Mutsumi to give up on Sakiko for her well-being.
Of course, Mujica has a program they plan to be on. They want to recreate that moment Mutsumi did, and the music is unnecessary. Sakiko wants to turn it down, but they received requests to do the same, even with the tour. Sachiko doesn’t want to do it since it’s not what Musume wants. Of course, Nyamu worsens things as the band is in a bad state.

After they did their performance, they got into a big argument. Even before, Nyamu questioned if it was what the audience wanted as Mutsumi didn’t perform. Yep, they argued at the train station, and obviously, it’s not getting any better. Ui must stop the argument, but Nyamu blames Ui for not attending practice. Yep, the whole thing is a big mess, and it’s probably thanks to doing the forced face reveal against what Sakiko has planned.

Meanwhile, Mutsumi feels anxious as she eventually follows Sakiko and Ui, and they ultimately notice. Sakiko asks why Mutsumi won’t turn down a thing she doesn’t want to do. Given what Mutsumi experienced, she is afraid to mess things up if she speaks up. Sakiko gets upset as she believes Mutsumi leaves everything to her and that she is not on her side as the band is everything she left before she ran off.

When it comes to the broadcast, they are still fighting. When they are about to perform, Mortis says she is the only one who can be by her side. After Mutsumi reaches for the umbrella, Mortis devours her. Is this a sign that Mortis has become a part of Mutsumi?

When they are about to perform, Mutsumi acts strangely with her impromptu performance as she lays down her guitar. She says she doesn’t have to worry anymore. Is she giving up, or is it a new chapter for Mutsumi? We’ll see next time.