Last time, Yuri died after she defeated the Goliaths. Sure, losing a friend is sad, but Renge wants to learn more about her as Ayame figures out a path forward.
If we learned from last time, Yuri passed away after a Goliath inflicted a fatal wound as she defeated it. It does live up to the title, with Yuri not making it past the 2nd episode. As expected, there is a lot of mourning as they finally give her a proper burial with her. Andvari lies atop the burial plot, where Yuri is planted with lilies.
Of course, Renge didn’t know who Yuri was before she died. All she knows is that she is looking for Nerine, and Renge promises to find her. We see two flashbacks. One is Sanzaka running into a warehouse after being erased by the wild hunts. Of course, she finds that the people there are erased.

Sanzaka believes that she is screwed as the door is being banged on. She shoots the door and finds out that Yuri and Ayame are there. There is also another moment when Yuri pesters Hinageshi to go on an adventure with her.

Of course, Hinageshi wants to play video games until Yuri comes and rips the console, destroying the wires after losing Hinageshi to a match. Hinageshi has no choice but to go as her gaming console is broken, and replacing it in this apocalyptic world will not be easy. She eventually came since she had no choice since Yuri broke her console. After all, Hinageshi needs to get Yuri to repay her for a new console.

After the mourning, the girls try to figure out what to do. They eventually came up with the idea to do all the things Yuri wanted to do but couldn’t. While trying to get to the city’s center, I followed the locations from the photos Yuri might have seen. After all, Shitoron did all the work finding a safe path forward. Not to mention, where Yuri is buried is the first spot in the photo.

Eventually, two wild hunts appeared, and Yuri’s Andvari detected them. It decides to merge with Renge’s Andvari. With the newly merged Andvari, Renge trounces the two Wild Hunts.

It’s pretty fitting how Yuri’s Andvari chose Renge, but of course, Renge has a feeling that she met her, but it can’t be possible. Maybe Renge is starting to recover the memories she lost. The girls decide to name their team MMY, which is short for Memento Yuri, said Emu. With that, they will enter a school, and it suddenly snows as to why. We will find out soon enough.
I took a long break thinking this show would be one I didn’t want to watch. Fortunately you tagged me at the right time and I am willing to give it another chance.
The mourning was nicely done. It’s hard losing someone so important in your life. Hopefully our heroines can survive the alien robot apocalypse.