Now that Squad Jam 3 is over, with LLENN being victorious as she is on the BTRY team, some time has passed. Karen wants to move on to a different game, while Team SHINC wants a rematch, and she gets dragged back into Gun Gale Online. Now, to test a new game mode, of course.
At the glimpse of the beginning, it’s what LLENN will experience. LLENN is having trouble escaping from the snipers. Of course, Fuka and Pitohui aren’t doing much to help LLENN. Eventually, the snipers got to LLENN, probably the second time LLENN got killed besides Squad Jam 2. As expected, there is more to this.

With that, we head back a month earlier as the Rhythmic Gymnastics team meets for their first “How to Convince Kohiruimaki Karen That She’s Powerful” conference. Yep, from the looks of it, they want to convince Karen that she is powerful enough to face her in a rematch. It seems after we saw her in a pretty dress under a parasol during Karen’s meeting with Miyu, he met with Karen again.

Karen thinks about playing a different game as she fulfills her wishes of being someone else and getting over her tall complex. Now, she believes playing Gun Gale Online is kind of cruel since it involves shooting and killing people. As expected, Miyu says it’s just a game to have fun no matter what. As she does things like plowing into innocent people, she doesn’t do it in real life. Yep, it’s something that video game critics get wrong, as in reality, games do not cause people to become violent or do illegal things.
That said, LLENN received a notification for a new playtest, which the top 6 teams of Squad Jam 3 got. It’s a beta test of a new mode to test the cutting edge of AI Non-Player Characters. The goal is to capture the base defended by these new NPCs. The first team that gets there wins, and of course, each player can die and respawn up to two more times. Miyu drags Karen into it as she has two headsets, one for Karen to use.

With that, LLENN and Fuka are back into the game in months, and it’s nice to see Pitohui try to hug LLENN, but she dodges. She doesn’t seem happy as they prepare for the playtest. Of course, LLENN hopes to face SHINC here, but teams won’t face each other. The goal is to defeat the NPC or replace the toxic gas warheads.

The respawn place depends on how close they are. If one team is far away, the respawn happens further back. It’s funny how LLENN doesn’t like the idea of being killed in the game, although it kind of happened, given what happened at the beginning of the episode. Still, I like how LLENN gets excited about having another rematch with SHINC, although it’s not necessarily the goal of this playtest. Still, I feel that LLENN will try to have a rematch against SHINC, except to have it pushed back to another opportunity until it never happens.