Last time, Chizuko had her dark magical girl debut in the previous episode, which didn’t quite go so well. Chrome has other plans as he faces yet another limit on magical reserves.

As expected, Chrome has another duel coming up with his magic power used up for the month. It’s easy to see why, considering the last episodes. Chizuko seems more excited about getting a rare berry instead. It’s weird to see Chrome get upset at Chizuko for not paying attention to the fact he used up all the magic reserves, but he has another idea.

It’s funny how Chizuko is more focused on the Rare Berry. Chrome manages to summon a huge Kuma Kaijin that is the exact size of Godzilla. The funny thing is that everyone freaks out while the Kuma Kaijin wanders around, but thankfully, it doesn’t crash or take down any buildings. I find it hilarious how Chrome panics over this and goes to Kaju’s house to have her deal with the giant Kuma Kaijin. Of course, she wonders how Chrome knows where she lives.

As expected, she eventually uses magic to grow big and face off the Kuma Kaijin. It’s a funny battle as she fights against the gigantic Kuma Kaijin. That is while Chizuko gushes over Berry Blossom as always until she defeats the huge Kuma Kaijin, and it rains small Kuma Kaijin. Still, it’s too bad that the giant Kuma Kaijin didn’t destroy any buildings as you would expect from an evil organization.

Of course, Kaju messed up her bangs when she faced another duel with Chrome. That is while he looks at his notes on Berry Blossom. Eventually, he provokes Berry Blossom by taking all the tissues from one shopkeeper hanging out tissues. That is when he hears Berry Blossom’s voice, but from Mashiro’s laptop with a typed duel challenge.

It’s funny how Berry Blossom wore a helmet when she charged at Chrome at the park. Chizuko realizes that it’s another form of Berry Blossom as Chrome manages to take off Berry Blossom’s helmet. It does go well for Chrome as he gets distracted by a UFO, and Berry Blossom slaps him. Berry Blossom cut her bangs a bit too short. The funny thing is that Chizuko noticed that Berry Blossom’s bangs were a little short, although she still looks cute with blunt bangs.

Aside from Kaju’s bad hair day, there is another short segment in which Chizuko mistakes a hero show for being about Berry Blossom. That silhouette is just a hero named Morimori Tomatoman. Yep, seeing Chizuko’s disappointing expression was hilarious, although she got taken hostage by the bad guys from the show before Chrome came in and saved her. It does make him look like a hero despite ruining the show.

In short, Berry Blossom shows up and defeats Chrome, thus saving the show, although it steals the attention away from Morimori Tomatoman. It’s funny how the children were booing Berry Blossom as they managed to get off stage.

The funny thing is that Chrome temporarily turned into Kuma Kaijin before turning back. Still, it appears the boss wants to meet Chrome, and it’s weird how he and Chizuko try to decorate the base to make it look like an evil lair. However, it looks like the boss is delaying his meeting, except he seems interested in the magical girl. As we head to the last few episodes, things are about to get interesting.
@yon Yep, a lot to catch up on, but the last two episodes are rather funny. Might be a good time to catch up.
(Reply quoted due to it not federated for some reason)
Yes, this one is more of a filler compared to the last one, as the big development last time is Chizuko becoming a dark magical girl.
Maybe, but Utena from Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete is more of a perv than Chizuko.
@chikorita157 @chikorita157@chikorita157.com To be fair, that whole show is pretty sus overall. Dante isn’t nearly that far gone 🙂
@yon @chikorita157@chikorita157.com Probably a good thing given how incompetent Chrome is and Chizuko is in it for Berry Blossom.
Should be interesting to see how the finale turns out.
@chikorita157 @chikorita157@chikorita157.com There’s a charm to how bad Chrome is and how he’s actually not at all bad.
I don’t know how deep they want to go in the end, but I can’t help but feel that his old class mate turns out to be the evil one. BB seems very oblivious.
And General Dante needs more uniform time, that whole thing was great. Evil Magical Girls has a lot of potential.