Chizuko has taken the helm of Fossa Magna since she can’t help but see her oshi become a volunteer girl. Meanwhile, as Chrome comes up with another plan to defeat Berry Blossom, we finally discover how Kaju becomes a magical girl.
At last, we get the origin story of how Kaju became a magical girl. After a day of school, she finds a Jizu statue. It was, in fact, a frozen talking cat, which freaked Kaju out. That is, until she brings the cat home to warm it up. After she takes him in, he asks her if she wants to become a magical girl to defeat an evil organization.

While she doesn’t seem confident, she eventually does it without thinking about it, as Mashiro makes Kaju a magical girl. Kayu became embarrassed as she was not used to having bare shoulders and legs while wearing something so frilly. Eventually, she calls herself temporarily “Berry Blossom” when she confronts the leader of Fossa Magna flipping mats. That is when Chrome confronts Berry Blossom for the first time. She is getting used to being a magical girl.

With that, on a stormy day, Chizuko obsesses over a video of the latest Berry Blossom video. Yep, she said, “No Berry, no life,” which is quite funny. The funny thing is that Chrome wakes up and exits his lair at noon when half the day is gone. He wants to do that when he emerges from the dark, ominous clouds and fights Berry Blossom. Sadly, he is out of his reserves, so he has Chizuko’s grandfather drive him to a spot close enough to lure Berry Blossom to emerge from the dark clouds.

As expected, Chizuko doesn’t want to do any part of this, but she gets dragged into doing it anyway. I find it funny how she noticed that the Kuma Kaijin seemed a bit balloon-like and light. The funny thing is the cops pulled them over, primarily because Chrome was riding on the bed of the Kei truck, which seemed dangerous. Surprisingly, he did not ticket them and assumed that Chrome wore cosplay. The funny thing is that the Kuma Kaijin eventually bloated away like balloons, ruining Chrome’s plans.

As expected, Kaju transforms into Berry Blossom to confront Chroma, where the Kuma Kaijins are floating. When Chrome created a portal, he couldn’t come out. He made Berry Blossom stand there for a long time as Chizuko’s grandfather decided to go to the supermarket instead. Yep, he tormented Berry Blossom without doing anything.

Chizuko suggests stealing the source of Berry Blossom’s power to make up for his failed plan after his powers recovered. Yep, she told him to steal Berry Blossom’s wand. The funny thing is that he provokes Berry Blossom to come to the park. She is not happy that Chrome tricked her. He had a Kuma Kaijin create a “bear tornado” to steal her wand.

As expected, Chrome got excited over his first win as he handed Berry Blossom’s wand to Chizuko. It’s obvious how she will react. She gets all excited like a fangirl. However, while she wants to keep it, she knows that if Berry Blossom doesn’t have her wand, she can’t put on awesome fights, so she wants Chrome to return it. On the other hand, Kaju finds a commercial replica of her magical girl wand. They sell those, but she bought a whole box of them. The question is, will they even work, even if they are just a mass-produced copy?

Eventually, Chrome provokes Berry Blossom as she comes back. She shows up with multiple copies of her wand, all annoyed. Eventually, Chrome offers to give it back. The funny thing is Berry Blossom manages to use her usual attack, now called Commercial Grade Thunderbolt Bloom. In short, it really didn’t matter if Berry Blossom didn’t have her wand, she could still attack, which kind of underminds Chizuko’s plan anyway.

While Chrome has a nice shock, given that she used multiple wands, I wonder how powerful it is. Combining all the wands she used might have the same strength, but even more. It was unsurprising, as Chrome was all bandaged up in the aftermath. Eventually, Kaju sold all those replicas to no other than Chizuko. It’s not too surprising at all, but she looks pretty excited. I find it funny how she vacuum-seals them.

In the last half, Chrome disguises himself as a regular person as she sees Kaju fishing. She learned it from Mashiro. The funny thing is that she doesn’t notice that the long-haired man is Chrome all along as he makes fun of the grill Kaju had. Also, he mentions that his friend is a big fan of Berry Blossom as she hands him a fish. The funny thing is that Mashiro knows who the man is as he escapes with the fish.

Eventually, he gave it to Chizuko without telling her he got it from Kaju or Berry Blossom. It’s funny how Chizuko doesn’t know what to do with this fish. Chizuko would have become excited if she knew it was from Berry Blossom.
@chikorita157 Pretty decent character development and some clever backstories. Am I risking expecting too much from this show? It’s quite fun this far.
I think the incompetence from Chrome and to a certain extent, Chizuko’s gushing for Berry Blossom the highlights. Still, it’s funny how Berry Blossom didn’t know the long blonde man who dressed differently was Chrome all along, which is quite funny.
@chikorita157 There’s some obvious obliviousness and innocence with a lot of the characters.
That said, the grandpa. What is he up to?:)