From last time, Anna noticed the angry comments on PoMPoMs’s video. They found out that Kanata was doing cheers alone behind their back. Eventually, they saw that Megumi was not getting along with Kanata, and Anna stormed off feeling angry. Now, Nodoka feels concerned as she thinks the group is falling apart.
We know from the last time the girls discovered what Kanata was doing behind their backs. There was a comment, “You can’t fly when you’re with the club, but you have no trouble flying when it’s for fun, huh?” You might wonder, was Megumi that angry at Kanata getting upset at her to create that comment? Maybe it is or not her, but it has some impact on her.

The next day, Nodoka woke up, and she had breakfast. Anna didn’t come over as she was probably angry about yesterday’s events. She came over to Anna’s workplace while working on her laptop on the next song. She hasn’t given up, but she made it evident that she is angry. It’s sad to see her revert to her old ways of being unfriendly towards others.

Eventually, Nodoka feels down as Rara surprisingly runs into Nodoka. Seeing her in a different voice when she is not doing cheer is surprising. She eventually told her what happened, and as Nodoka says, it’s hard to see everyone put so much into it. Rara figured this was why Nodoka didn’t show up from the committee members, yet Nodoka expressed herself by cheering during that baseball game.

With that, Rara decides to cheer for Nodoka as she panics and gets embarrassed. At least she got something out of it. She also met with Shion, and they have baked sweet buns and red beans. That seems to be Rara’s favorite. Of course, Nodoka told what Rara said, which made her feel better and happy to cheer for PoMPoMs. Shion, too, since she enjoys writing songs as well. But Nodoka is worried about Anna going back to her old ways.

Shion reveals more about Megumi as she never seen Megumi this way. She became friends when she saw her rehabilitating and decided to go to therapy and heard about the promise. Of course, she wants to meet Kanata as she knows they respect each other. However, now, it doesn’t seem right as they aren’t getting along with each other.
When Shion and Nodoka meet Megumi, she reveals how upset Kanata was about taking everything she wanted away, as Kanata got everything while she couldn’t go to high school. She mentions that comment, of course. Now, we know that it’s not Megumi who wrote that when she mentions it, but she sympathizes with the person who wrote it. While Nodoka is not Megumi, she felt she got a bit closer after expressing her frustrations.

As Kanata heads somewhere, Shizuru meets up and tells her not to push it. After seeing Wabisuke, she thought about trying that move she did in the first episode by chance to see if she could fly. Of course, with Meugumi’s phone ringing that Kanata had landed herself in the hospital, we knew that she didn’t make it.

Thankfully, she didn’t seriously injure herself, but it allowed Megumi to make up with Kanata by trying to sing and do routines simultaneously. While she struggled, she surprisingly pulled it off. That is while telling Kanata to be more honest with herself. Thankfully, it looks like Kanata made up with everyone. While Kanata still wants to cheer for PoMPoMs again, at least she apologized for going off and cheering alone behind their backs. At least

After the credits, we find out who made that comment. A long black-haired girl handed a letter of resignation to Izawa. I wonder who this girl is and why she decided to quit. We’ll find out soon enough.
The anticipation for KanaMegu’s big moment paid off big time. It was incredible and heart pounding. Hopefully they grow even stronger after this episode like Suzuha and Shion.
No one was without fault. Good to see most of our girls realized that.
Sure, Kanata attempting that leap and landing in the hospital got everyone worried, but Megu’s cheer is whats needed to bring them back together and it was nice.
Agreed, given that all humans are flawed, but its good at Kanata realizes her current limits.