Now that Awayuki has done all the collabs with all the new generation, she reveals the time that Strong Zero got sold out everywhere she went. Also, she does another collab with Mashiro with some lovely moments.
Before the opening, there is a short segment in which Mashiro apologizes to Awayuki. Yep, we see how Awayuki and Mashiro came up with pet names for each other. Of course, Mashiro says that she “loves” Awayuki, but as friends. Seeing Awayuki’s reaction is funny as she becomes flustered, but I feel they are more than just friends. Still, it shows Awayuki’s growing of girls falling and gushing for her. More on that later.

With that, Awayuki finally told a crazy story of her inability to buy her favorite drink, Strong Zero. While the story has a disclaimer of having some fictional elements, or rather, exaggeration, there are really that many people buying up the Strong Zero at the stores Awayuki goes to. She often tried buying it or going to different stores to see if they had it. Every time, the shelf is empty. Strong Zero can’t be that popular, right?

When Awayuki resigned herself and bought it online, the package finally came. She catches someone who is a fan of Awayuki. She tracks where the shops Awayuki goes to and buys up all the Strong Zero in a bid to do more sober streams. After all, she probably doesn’t like how Shuwa gets all the attention, and Awayuki rarely gets an appearance anymore. I know that is quite extreme, but it is surprising that she went that fall and probably sold them at a loss. The funny thing is that Awayuki gave one to a fan, and she didn’t like the taste of it, of course.

With that, Awayuki revealed that she finally moved to a bigger place. It’s bound to happen since she makes a lot of money for a while. To celebrate, Awayuki decides to invite Mashiro to her new place. The funny thing is that Awayuki has to clean up her place as it’s filled with garbage everywhere.

While Awayuki was cooking, Mashiro finally came over. Aauki shows what Mashiro is cooking. It’s nikujaga, and it’s funny how Mashiro assumes that there is Strong Zero in it when there is not. Of course, Mashiro takes pictures of Awayuki with her numerous times while having dinner. I admit the photos are funny and cute. The funny thing is that Mashiro finds a bag of empty Strong Zero cans, and Awayuki tries to hide it when she receives public shaming. It’s funny how Alice is happy to see Awayuki happy, and apparently, she hit her limit when sending super chats. Not too surprising, at the very least.

Of course, besides Mashiro sharing a report on her visit, she drew various versions of Awayuki. Some are nice, including Awayuki in gothic Lolita, which would fit the elegant theming and one that has her dressed casually.

As expected, Mashiro insists on bathing together with Awayuki. It’s not too surprising since she loves Awayuki. Awayuki, of course, gives in as they did. They even slept on the same bed together as Mashiro recalls her fun day with Awayuki. Mashiro, of course, revealed that she watched her since the beginning, and of course, Mashiro is not only seen as a best friend (although they are probably more than just that), but she likes people who work hard, and in this case, Awayuki. Unlike Kaeru, who sees Awayuki as her mother, Mashiro sees herself as a fan of Awayuki and has supported her all this time.

Awayuki remembered what she said to her, that her hardship would make her future happiness shine even brighter. It shows, given how many friends and fans she made after that faithful drunk stream. Mashiro realized it was the same when she saw Awayuki in real life, as she had a lot of fun. Of course, this is the result of Awayuki being able to be herself and around amazing people.
As expected, Mashiro contributes to rooting her on as Awayuki continues to do it. As expected, it feels intimate, especially in the last scene of her dream, in which Mashiro does Awayuki’s hair. Awayuki reassures her that she is not pathetic and praises her. Of course, she thanked her and said that she loved her as they held hands while sleeping. This makes me wonder about who is number one in Awayuki’s “harem” she has. After all, each one looks up to Awayuki for different reasons.
@chikorita157@chikorita157.com I’m inclined to agree with Awayuki’s stream chat. A viewer finding her IRL address is a way bigger deal than it was made out to be.
Yes, having your fans know where you live seems scary considering they can reveal her true identity., which makes me wonder if that fan really doxxed her or something.
Kokorone was lucky that fangirl NPC was one of the less crazy ones out there.
Mashiro saw the Chami Chami date and said “hold my beer” before establishing herself as Kokorone’s true soulmate. Bless this show.
Yep, the really wants Awayuki to show up more often and probably concerned about her drinking, but scary how the fan know where she lives.
Mashiro of course will be on top given that she did help create the design for Awayuki of course, which of course put the other competition at a disadvantage.