After PoMPoMs decided to help Rara’s cheerleading team to help cheer for an underdog baseball team, the number of requests exploded. However, trouble brews as Kanata does something that upsets Anna and Megumi.

When Kanata ate breakfast and turned on the TV, they saw a news report about that baseball team. Of course, the spotlight is on PoMPoMs, and that moment is when Nodoka is surprised. Believe it or not, Ana wakes Nodoka to show them they are on television. Yep, seeing Nodoka’s reaction to this is priceless. Not only that, but Shion is also getting a lot of requests from other students after she finishes her rhythmic gymnastics practice. She also got some praise from the nun at the school.

Kanata, Megumi, Anna, Nodoka, Shion, and Shizuha met to find out the obvious. Their TV appearance caused the number of requests to explode. That is while they had a cake that Shion brought. As expected, despite the team PoMPoMs cheering for loss, this new request for cheer thing is going well. The question is, can they handle that many requests while making new songs and routines? It seems all good until they hit a wall.

After a while, they find out that taking this many requests as they are feeling worn out. Megumi feels this, 0particularly as they review all the requests and consider cutting a good number of them to a more manageable level. Kanata doesn’t want to start denying requests, as she knows there are times when simple things can be challenging.

After all, she brought up her difficulty asking for help about being unable to fly. In other words, she wants to keep fulfilling the requests. When they reach their limit, they question if they are making an impact. Ultimately, they decided to eliminate the vague and unclear ones and whatever they don’t have music and routines for. Of course, Kanata seems reluctant to do this as she feels depressed, as if she has to do something to make the ones rejected happy. Yep, she cheered and helped them behind their backs. Of course, Kanata is noticeably tired as a result.

When Kanata returned to Megumi’s house, she saw Megumi trying to walk until she was about to fall. Kanata saved her. Megumi felt that she needed to move outside her therapy, or otherwise, she would never regain her mobility. Everyone is working hard, and she can’t help as she can’t cheer for anyone. Megumi’s relationship with Kanata becomes strained now, which is unfortunate but worsens.

With Kanata insistent on making everyone happy behind the girls’ backs by cheering for those who didn’t cut, they got a lot of comments from trolls. Yes, there are complaints that they are doing things half-assed and such. Kanata is standing there until a comment from “a” saying, “You can’t fly when you’re with the club, but you have no trouble flying when it’s for fun, huh?”

I wonder who wrote this, as Kanata’s team has a social media ban on this stuff. It may be someone in PoMPoMs as Megumi was looking at the screen. Also, Anna found out that Kanata was going off doing her own thing, which got Anna upset. The situation is not good, as Megumi and Anna are mad at Kanata. Kanata needs to make up with them before it’s too late.
Kanata and Megumi were going to have a disagreement eventually. Hopefully they patch things up soon.
Kanata taking care of the axed requests behind the gang’s backs wasn’t the best idea.
I predict either Megumi’s watcher or Hana wrote that critical comment about PoMPoMs.
It’s bound to happen given that Kanata did all those cancelled requests, it’s not going to end well. Probably a reason Kanata and Megumi got into a disagreement, but hopefully they will mend things quickly.