Now that Mother only gives Misaki, Live, and the others six months to get 1 million subscribers or lose their manor, it’s grind time. However, with Misaki’s pursuit to push out more content, she loses sight of something important. It becomes apparent what it is.
It’s crunch time as Mayonaka Punch needs to reach 1 million subscribers. When we see their announcement video, it’s evident that Live is taking the driver’s seat in editing it. If you recall, the morning after Live and the others got rescued, she promised Misaki that she would help edit videos together.
Misaki is not satisfied with the mistakes, most notably using a cheerful font for a solemn announcement. Of course, Misaki seems concerned as there is no way they can reach 1 million subscribers in 6 months and panic.

As expected, the actual premise of this episode is Misaki having Live, Tokage, Ichiko and Fu crank out a bunch of short videos to generate buzz. As expected, it’s the thing that brings in the views, of course, for obvious reasons. While it looks like it’s working, they only got 2000 more subscribers. However, they need to give a reason for the viewers to subscribe to the channel, such as loving the content and thinking about the audience that watches the video.

Now that they figure out who watches the videos, they ride the trends. Of course, one video per day eventually became two and then three. Misaki was becoming frustrated over the subscriber count not moving drastically. Misaki was pulling all-nighters until that instance when she couldn’t resist the urge to sleep while editing a video involving Live eating giant macaroons.

When Misaki woke up, she noticed that the video seemed complete and Live was sleeping. As she found out, Live helped edit the video as she found out after Misaki woke her up. But Misaki seems unsatisfied by Live’s edits as it contain scenes that shouldn’t be there and the lack of polish. Live seems concerned about Misaki’s lack of sleep, which is why she helps, but Misaki doesn’t want the help. After all, if the video’s editing isn’t polished, the video won’t do well in her eyes.

Ultimately, Misaki’s efforts to push the girls to grind videos didn’t move the needle that much. Of course, the answer lies with Fu. Remember the beginning of the episode where Fu acted like an obsessed fan girl, and Live and Misaki caught her in the act? Eventually, Misakichi finds out that Fu likes a particular influencer, and Misaki finds out about it. Fuu gushing for an influencer gives clues about what attracts users to a channel.
After watching old Hype-Sis videos and finding how cringe it is, she noticed an appeal. Then, watching that Macaroon video and the old videos before the grind, she saw something missing in the recent videos. Misaki feels she is making the same mistakes that caused her former teammates to fire her.

At least Misaki admits her problem, although Live believes Misaki is panicking and going off alone. After all, they are a team, and they should all panic and go off together. With that, they want to work together, as Live revealed that they edited that video together. In other words, Misaki should ask for help when needed, as they do it together.
With that, they recorded a bath video to talk about stuff. Of course, Fu’s obsession with a particular influencer gets brought up, and she becomes super embarrassed. Believe it or not, this video brought in 48,000 subscribers, bringing the channel to 100,000 subscribers. Maybe it’s because they are in the bath? Thankfully, Misaki will censor Ichigo’s body as a strawberry for obvious reasons.

Now, they have 900k subscribers to go, and they go back to one video a day. At least they reach a new goal, as the next step is collaboration. However, they got one as they received an invitation to a NewTuber festival. It makes you wonder how they will pull it off, given that Live, Ichiko, Tokage, and Fu are vampires. Thankfully, it looks indoors, so it should be okay.
Reviews from Other Blogs
Mayonaka Punch Episode 7: Heart of the Vids – The Yuri Empire
Masaki learned a valuable lesson about video editing and how to treat your homies. Actually it was more of a reminder but you get the idea.
I agree, after all, she should have more faith in Mayopan since they are in on it together. Perhaps this isa reason that she got kicked from the Hyped Sisters?