Now that Masakichi has finally moved in, she is looking for video ideas. She discovered something when she went into Fu’s room.

At last, Masakichi finally moved in and unpacked her stuff in her room. With that, she learns more about the surveys to learn more about Ichiko, Live, and Tokage, which are what you expect. It’s funny how the only thing in Tokage’s mind is money. Tokage is probably worse at making money than our money-loving school idol, Natsumi.

That said, Masakichi wondered where Fu went. She is the only one who works at night to earn money to pay the rent. Of course, Masakichi sneaks into the room and sees that the survey is empty. She decides to play the boombox. It has the tape of a high school girl who plays guitar that she sings with.

Of course, Live with Masakichi sneaks into the bathhouse where Fu works. After it closed, it was funny to see her reaction when she was about to see them in the bath. When Misakichi asks about Fu’s singing, Fu freaks out why Masakichi knew. She wants Fu to make a music video but said she will never sing again as she doesn’t deserve to.

You might be wondering why she feels this way. It’s because of what happened several years ago. Aya wants to go pro with Fu, but Fu is not sure. Yuki warned her when she asked if Fu plans to appear publicly on television since she is a vampire. Of course, Fu couldn’t bring herself to turn down Aya until the last minute when it was their turn, and Aya was about to get her on stage. That is when the sun came out, and Fu had to return to the shadows and run away. Aya doesn’t know why she disappeared after that.

With Live’s help, she gets information about what happened to Fu as they try to learn more about Aya. They eventually track Aya’s last appearance at a live house appearance from two years ago. Fu becomes suspicious as she tries to hide what she is doing. Masakichi reveals she is trying to find Aya, and Fu gets upset over Masakichi getting into her business and wants to be left alone. Masakichi got upset over Fu running away again as she put the address on the piano.

The funny thing is that Fu went to New York City to go to that live house. How she got there and retrieved the guitar from that live house is news. The owner questioned Fu in English when she touched the guitar case. That is before Fu explained her relationship with Aya.

Seeing her bring back the guitar is unsurprising as we discover that Aya has passed away. In the guitar case, she mentioned Fu in the DVD as being influenced by her career and how good her singing was. Fu started crying as she regretted not being able to apologize to her and see her again while she was alive. While it’s a sad moment, at least it was heartwarming at the same time. Eventually, Fu regained the courage to sing after discovering what happened to Aya.
With that in mind, it’s obvious what the next episode is. A beach episode at night?
Reviews From Other Blogs
Mayonaka Punch Episode 4: An Old Foe – The Yuri Empire
This was both sweet and painful. It shows that a vampire’s greatest enemy in their pursuit of love is time itself. It showed us once more that despite Masaki being obsessed with her personal goal she wasn’t heartless and did care for her teammates.
Fu has good taste in girls.
Yep, it was a bittersweet episode, but it’s obvious that Fuu didn’t want to reveal or turn down her friend as she probably doesn’t want to hurt her friends feelings or reveal that she is a vampire. Yes, it’s unfortunate, but it was nice to see Misaki guide Fuu so she is able to find resolve in the end.