Now that Awayuki can monetize her stream, she will stream some fitness video games. Hilarity ensues as she finds out how relentless it is. Also, there is that music video as well.

As expected, we see Awayuki doing another sober stream. Thankfully, she is not doing another frustrating game like Getting Over It, which ruined her mic. This time, she is playing the knock of Ring Fit Adventure for the Nintendo Switch called, you guessed it, Long Fit. She tries to lie, saying she exercises, before Awayuki admits it’s a lie.

Also, it is funny that Awayuki’s first bend was during the calibration. She thinks 50 is good enough, and her audience wonders if she is okay and weak. That is until she gave her full strength with a grunt, which gave her 63, which wore her out quite a bit. I have to admit it’s funny. She played with Hikari and Shion. Shion is struggling and making funny noises. Still, it’s weird to see them struggle at the game.

In the end, Awayuki is worn out and eventually decides to break out of the Strong Zero to recharge herself after Shuwa offers her one. With that, she transformed as she chose to look at various streams and react to them. Yep, she sees Hikari’s stream of Hikari drawings and has her audience make various drawings of Shuwa and Awayuki.

Eventually, her audience wants Shuwa to see Sei’s stream, which is streaming eroge. The funny thing is that she closes the stream after revealing the game, but her audience keeps begging her to watch it.

Eventually, she reopens the stream as Sei decides to play that infamous visual novel, School Days. It’s funny how Shuwa and Sei curse the main character, Makoto. Yes, this visual novel received an anime adaptation that aired an episode of nice boats going down the river for half an hour.

While it became a meme, it was due to a 16-year-old girl killing her father with an axe. Since the finale has something similar, the studio streams a half-hour episode with a boat going down a river. Eventually, the actual finale aired a few weeks later. It’s funny how they put up a boat scene after they cursed out Makoto. Lastly, Shuwa sees a video of Hareru playing Weiß Schwarz.

It’s funny how she flips out when the game doesn’t go her way. I recognize some of the anime from these cards. Eventually, Hareru finds out that Shuwisas is watching her stream. Yep, it’s nice to see Shuwa’s reaction. Yep, she revealed a Shuwacchi Weiß Schwarz card she made. It’s not too surprising to see this.

The next day is the music video recording as Awayuki gets picked up by a Live-On staff. It’s funny how this staff member driving a Kei car says she gets pulled over because she looks too young to drive. She thought about putting her license as an itasha, but she didn’t do that. Eventually, she decides to make her car into a shoshinsha itasha. Still, of course, it will give everyone the wrong idea, thinking she is a beginner driver as it has a different meaning in Japan than outside. People slap their logo on their cars overseas because it looks fantastic. It got everyone’s attention, and Awayuki wondered who this person was. It becomes evident after she makes her first recording. Nekoma, Hikari, and Mashiro were there after they finished their recordings.
When her manager says it’s time for Awayuki to do her second recording as Shuwa, she is unsure if she can do it without her Strong Zero. The Live-On staff member said it’s not necessary. Yes, the same one who picked her up. Awayuki wonders why she is in the recording room until she realizes it has been Hareru. It would make sense why she would get pulled over since she looks like a teenage schoolgirl despite being an adult.

After seeing her, Hareru seems happy that Awayuki finally figured it out, and it was like a date all this time. With that, Awayuki finally transformed into Shuwa. She doesn’t need to be drunk to change into that personality. Still, it’s funny how Shuwa thinks singing with Hareru means they are doing something specific.
Reviews from Other Blogs
My Deer Friend Nokotan Episode 4: Seitokai Shenanigans – The Yuri Empire
@chikorita157@chikorita157.com This episode is how I learned about the origin of the Misskey “New User” symbol. The show also continues to go the extra mile with insider references by having actual vtuber channels shown in the not-youtube browsing recommendations.
during the episode, I kept thinking about how jarring it was for them to use the cardboard cutout for a background character that actually gets interacted with but it paid off in the end.
That is very interesting.
I guess the show wants to place less emphesis on the other people and have the attention on the VTubers themselves. Their manager doesn’t even have a real face opposed to being a cardboard cutout. Quite clever how they have Hareru look like one, until she made the reveal.
The whole Ring-Fit parody was comedy gold. I admittedly haven’t seen any Vtuber exercise streams but maybe I should after this episode.
Haneru is a legend for good reason. She successfully pranked Kokorone twice and both times her life was never the same afterward.
I know that Ring Fit was a thing during the pandemic, but I agree that segment was really fun.
Agreed, Quite surprising Haneru managed to not reveal her actual identity until when she is in the recording booth. Also, seeing her make a card of Shuwa is nice too.