Now that Kanata and her friends have done their first cheer video, we finally find out what Anna is hiding.

Finally, the video that Kanata and her friends did finally got over 100 views. Believe it or not, it’s called PoMPoMs, which is on the cheer uniform. After all, Anna named it because making them takes a lot of effort. It doesn’t seem much, but at least people are watching. Notice that the channel is for Stout Records and not a dedicated channel. Yes, believe it or not, this is Anna’s channel. She also works at this record shop; apparently, they speak English. The person who runs the record shop is YJ.

Of course, Anna came to wake Nodoka up as she found the perfect record to use. Yes, it’s one of the records that her father has. Sadly, he passed away when she was young, and obviously, it’s special to her. More on that later. Either way, she plans to use this record as a sample and use YJ’s equipment to make it happen.

Of course, we find out that Anna works for that shop. When she dropped by to borrow his equipment, she mentioned how many views they got from the cheer video she made. Sadly, YJ breaks the bad news by saying he plans to shut down the record store. After all, it’s apparent that it’s not been doing that great lately, and he plans to sell the collection to some record shop in Tokyo. This revelation upset Anna, as we know how special this shop is to her.

Eventually, Nodoka tries to meet up with Anna. When she went into her room, she was not wearing her uniform. She doesn’t want to go to school to save the shop. Anna tells her to go away.

Nodoka eventually told Kanata, Shion, Shizuru, and Megumi what had happened. She reveals that Anna had issues making friends during elementary school after her father died. Nobody wanted to talk to her. When some boys were talking about her, she came up to them and attacked her. Thus, nobody comes to talk to her. Nodoka is the only person Anna talks to.

Kanata wants to talk with the shop owner about this. Of course, Shizuru doesn’t want to go in. The shopkeeper seems to know about Anna making cheer videos as Kanata talks with the owner. YJ reveals that Anna came here as a child with that record of her father’s. Of course, YJ offered to play it as he cleaned the record before playing it. The customers seem to enjoy it. It’s why Anna opened up and mellowed out after feeling isolated after that incident.

Shizuru eventually talks to Anna, but she says it’s not her problem. Shizuru says it is since Anna dragged her to do cheer. With that, Kanna concludes to save the shop from closing. They need to cheer them on. It’s obvious where this is heading, right? We’ll see soon enough.
Reviews From Other Blogs
Na-Nare Hana-Nare Episode 4: Latino Spark – The Yuri Empire
I already knew Anna and Nodoka were a potential ship thanks to one of the three couple scans but I wasn’t fully convinced. This episode however, got me thinking that maybe the reason Nodoka keeps telling Anna to stop greeting girls affectionately was because of jealousy.
I love me some Engrish.
Seeing the bubbly and energetic Anna turn sad and grumpy hurt to watch. I didn’t like seeing Anna sad.
There is a good possibility since Nodoka and Anna are with each other and Nodoka looks after her, but it should be interesting if anything comes from this.
But yes, sad Anna is sad, she is more enjoyable when she is cheerful and energetic