From last time, Kanata made that leap while trying to catch Obunai. She was surprised that she managed to pull it off. Of course, Hana, still on the cheerleading team, wants her team to win the All-Japan competition without her. That is until Kanata intends to keep trying.
Before focusing on the competition tryouts, it’s best to focus on the aftermath of Kanata pulling off. As expected, Obunai seems upset over people recording and uploading videos of herself without permission from the clout. She thinks Kanata is one of those people when she just wants to ask her about Shion, as she just wants to say hi. Yep, this is the only thing Kanata intends to tell her, besides that she finally flew.
Hana, the leader of the Cheer Team, doesn’t want Kanata back. I guess Kanata messed up her chances with her big mishap. Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with Megumi, but probably something traumatic that happened to Kanata that caused her not to land successfully.
At least we saw the aftermath, but we don’t know what caused her to lose the ability to land correctly. Even when Kanata decides to try out, Hana says she should give up and the team doesn’t need her so much for being close to her as she is willing to throw her under the bus.

The next day, Shion explained what happened to Kanata and that jump during Megumi’s study session with Kanata. Of course, Megumi seems enthusiastic about Isawa as she made it to the cheer team at Takanozaki and won All Japan in her first year. It’s the competition that Kanata thinks about trying for. Of course, Megumi is hoping to recover so she can transfer to Takanozaki and join the cheer team over there.
As expected, Anna visited and saw Megumi for the first time. Yep, she did the hug and, eventually, the kiss on the cheek. Yep, Nodoka came in to stop her. Yep, they came to meet to figure out Anna’s video plans. Anna revealed that Nodoka is a cheerleader but not as good as the Takanozaki ones. Of course, Megumi explains the various activities associated with it, which motivates Anna to make cheer videos with their music, lyrics, and outfits. Sadly, Kanata turns her down as she seems focused on the tryouts.

Megumi notices that Kanata is feeling down. Yep, it’s because of whatever Hana said that she shouldn’t bother trying out. That is until Anna, Shion, and Nodoka came to meet about making that cheer video. Anna has a song she made, but of course, it uses someone else’s work, and she got shot down by the original artist. Obunai, of course, observes from far away, as she did last time. She has an interest in Shion but is not upfront about it.

Shion offers a song that might work and even has lyrics for it. Shion reveals that she wants to become a songwriter after revealing that she learned how to compose music from a piano teacher. Of course, she seemed reluctant to do it, but she sang it before Obunai fell from the tree. After seeing her, Shion ran away, possibly out of embarrassment. Either way, Obunai does not seem to be herself. I wonder what is up with Obunai and Shion. We do know that Shion lacks confidence in what she enjoys doing. Eventually, she apologizes to Megumi for running out suddenly but feels relieved to share her song.

Kanata finally gains the courage to do the tryouts, hoping that Megumi will eventually come and join someday. During practice, she pulled off the gymnastic routines. However, when it comes to the tryout, it looks as if Kanata can pull it off until she remembers that PTSD moment that led to it and falls to the ground without landing properly. The team manager tells her not to bother and just wait another year. Given how dangerous Cheer is, Kanata feels down, but it’s apparent that she hasn’t gotten over what caused her not to land properly.
Reviews from Other Blogs
Na-Nare Hana-Nare Episode 2: The Fairy and The Ninja – The Yuri Empire
I wished as hard as I could hoping the ninja had a crush on the fairy princess.
Bless Anna. I should have known she knew Capoeira. Of course she did.
My heart aches whenever Kanata is sad. I am cheering very hard for her and want her to succeed.
Hana will probably be Kanata’s lovesick raivaru.
Megumi probably likes Sexy Prez.
In case Kanata X Megumi doesn’t happen both have Option Bs.
Wonder if Nodoka X Anna could be a thing?
Lots of potential, yes, and I love it.
Given that Kanata was asking about Shion and how Shizuru reacted and all the spying from afar, I’m not surprised at all.
Still should be interesting to see how the pairings will turn out. But that said, what Kanata is going through is not too surprising, it’s a bit too soon.