Now that Mahiru asks for a deal that Yukine that she can’t refuse. Will she accept that offer, and can Kano bring herself to sing again?
Kano, of course, received an email from Yukine to perform at the event. Believe it or not, Mahiru was the one that asked. Yukine questioned Mahiru’s demand as she felt she wanted to do it to generate buzz and wondered if there was more to her motivations.
Mahiru comes up with an answer: when someone does something for her, she wants to reciprocate. In other words, Mahiru took this offer since, after all, Kano was the one who helped Mahiru gain more confidence in her art. Now, she has gotten so far in improving her art thanks to Kano offering her a reason to draw. Now, Mahiru wants to help Kano realize her dream and possibly fix Yukine’s relationship with her daughter. Either way, she decides to take it.

As for the performance itself, we get to see Sunflower Dolls perform. Mei and Kiui were there, and it seemed Kano was unsure if she could do it. Even before the performance, she didn’t know what to think when she saw Mahiru with Kano’s mother. When it comes to her turn to sing, she feels anxious that fans still hate her. That is until Meru tells Kano to look before her, and Kano sees Mahiru, who calls out to her.

With that, Kano could get over her fears and start singing. While she has a rough start, she manages to pull it off, and the viewers seem to love her performance. After all, Mahiru worked hard to make Kano’s New Year’s performance close to what she envisioned. Bringing the aquarium to Shibuya, which is what Kano and Mahiru promised in the fifth episode. Various sea creatures were projected on the buildings. Of course, Mahiru also took Kano’s blue umbrella idea for the October performance to make it look like an aquarium.

At the end of the performance, Mahiru rushes down to meet Kano. Funny how they are on opposite sides of the escalator. Either way, Mahiru did the hugging as they finally made up. Sure, Mahiru apologized for only thinking about herself, and Kano apologized for the mean stuff she said. In the end, they fulfilled the promise.

While watching the credits, Mahiru shared her experiences and thought Yukine was a bit extreme. Kano reveals that she was always empty, although she was told she was shining. When Kano remembers Mahiru singing for her sake, it makes her happy. However, when she thinks she lost Mahiru and her mother, she doesn’t know what to think anymore. Nevertheless, it’s not just about singing for Mahiru. She wants to sing for her fans, anyone who lost what they love, have everyday struggles, and even those who hate her. She wants to make them happy.

In the end, Mahiru’s work with Yukine worked out because one surprise came out of this. Besides seeing Mahiru’s real name and pen name, Kano saw her own name for the song and lyrics. Finally, somehow, Yukine acknowledges her daughter’s existence and her efforts as Kano teared up. We know why, but in a way, Kano is the one who helped Yukine’s idol group live to get 50,000 viewers. Kano seems excited as Mei and Kiui are tired. Also lovely to see Yukine show up to try to pick up Kano, but she has other plans. At least Yukine congratulated her daughter on graduating. It’s nice to see Kano’s relationship with her mother improve, although it’s only a bit. Also, Mei managed to get asked for an autograph from another student who has no friends, but JELEE’s songs helped her along the way.

After all the graduations, Kiui, Mahiru, Mei, and Kano met by the mural. They painted a new mural and worked for hours, but it turned out well in the end. Funny how they took a video of them making the mural, although they got paint on their clothes. Well, they graduated, so it doesn’t matter, right?

Not to mention, there are some funny moments. Shizue finally lies, making an announcement that she turned 42 years old. How can you be that old that fast? Didn’t she say that she was 31 years old?
Final Thoughts
Overall, Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai was an enjoyable story about four young ladies who are different in one way or another to form a musical group together. The show was exciting, and nice to see the fun moments.
Also, it’s nice to see how the girls overcome their pretty relatable struggles because the characters are also enjoyable. I like the main cast, including Mei gushing over her Oshi, Nono-tan, and Kano, who romantically teased Mahiru.
While not officially yuri per se, it’s pretty close with Kano calling Mahiru by her first name, eventually, that kiss on the cheek, and Kano getting a license so Mahiru can ride with her. I kind of wish it would become official,
Meanwhile, the side characters are suitable for the most part. We know that Miiko, aka Shizue, is a better mother than Yukine. On the opposite spectrum, I felt the side characters were somewhat forgotten. After all, no matter how interesting Koharu is, she doesn’t get any further development afterward. Moreover, we never learn what happened with Kano’s father’s divorce. Also, what role did he have when Kano met him during what led up to that incident.
In the end, while there is some wasted potential with the anime, as you can only fit in so much, it’s still a very good show. The characters, production value, and the music itself are very good. Hopefully, the light novel will fill in the missing details the show couldn’t get to. It kind of feels like they ran out of time. Even so, it ended nicely, although it can always be better.
Reviews from Other Blogs
493rd G-View: Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night – The Yuri Empire
This one could have been an all-timer but the finale could have used one more episode and the main Yuri having the usual end stopped it from reaching the pinnacle. Even so it was a blast for most of its run.
The main quartet are great, most of our heroines were excellent from start to end with Mahiru being the only one who faltered a bit in the climax. Mei is love and Kiui’s journey is one many can relate to. They saved the epilogue along with the background couple eagle-eyed fans spotted throughout the show.
Could have been amazing but it was still really good.
Yep, I heard all the complaints about the ending, but it could use a few more episodes, but still it’s not something that should make it a deal breaker since the show is very enjoyable, although it has flaws of course.
That said, I do enjoy the characters and the moments with Mahiru and Kano. Could have been the aoty, but it’s still very good still.