With Kano getting upset at Mahiru over accepting a commission from Kano’s mother, Yukine, JELLIE is in danger of disbanding. It’s up to Kiui and Mei to figure out how to bring Kano back before it’s too late.
As we know from the last time, Kano got really upset with Mahiru, as she felt Mahiru betrayed her. It’s over Mahiru taking a job for Yukine, Kano’s mother, without knowing how controlling she is. I have a feeling that Mahiru went in without realizing the truth. Still, she insists on doing it, even if it upsets Kano. I wonder if there is something more to Mahiru’s motivation that she won’t tell Kano, except for Kano getting upset at her.

Kano appears to be shut in, at least failing to make ramen. She even went to school at one point, but she got laughed at. That is when we see a flashback of Kano dying her hair and becoming Yamanouchi Kano. She eventually passed that mural and noticed someone there recording. They are trying to sing one of JELEE’s songs, and she overheard the two girls. Yes, they saw the doxing in the rumor mill, but the girls didn’t care. They only care about the music. In other words, they don’t care about the antis who are trying to bring them down.

Meanwhile, we see Kiui and Mei trying to cover for Kano and Mahiru. Of course, they are unsure about JELEE’s fate, although they don’t want it to end, especially Mei. It’s funny how they are incompetent, as Mei has problems with some menu item names. Meanwhile, Kiui would instead do things that don’t require social interaction.

While Mei is handing out tissues, she notices a certain girl. It’s actually Mero. While Mei was in her fangirl mode, she wanted to ask about Kano. Of course, Mero tries to dodge it, and at one point, she kisses Mei on the cheek, so Mei ends up stalking her until she gets cornered in the Karaoke Bar.

We know a few things. Mero hates singing and is terrible at makeup, nails and the like. She is only here for Yukine’s bidding, like with Nonoko, to make Yukine happy. This can explain why Mero went so far as to post gossip about scandals from idol groups to make Yukine happy. Ultimately, she has little to show for it, except knowing that Nonoka has friends now. That is after Mei revealed what Nonoka was up to with JELEE and that she has 100k followers, more than Sunflower Dolls have.

Meanwhile, Kiui made a delivery and somehow ended up at Shizue’s house. It seems she doesn’t care about her body image now that she is doing a mukbang. Kiui eventually reveals what happened as Kiui is unsure if the new song or stream will occur. Still, Shizue tells her that they should still do it, and she is willing to help. Funny how Kiui left after Shizue wanted to be a guest on their stream.

Eventually, Mei confronts Kano as she tries to check on her. She wonders about Kano’s motives, wondering if she is singing so Yukine will find her again. Yes, it’s pretty evident why Kano wants 100k followers, so Yukine will notice her. Still, Mei says Kano shouldn’t be ashamed of that. However, it’s not just that for Kano. Kano thinks she is being like her mother as she feels she is taking advantage of her to create art for her. We know that is untrue, but she eventually decides to draw art herself. After all, when Kano doesn’t have a reason why she is singing, Mahiru says to sing for her to Kano.

Ultimately, Kiui and Mei decide to disband JELEE after Mei tells her what happened. She had a stream with Shizue as she passed out after doing her mukbang. Kiui and Mei had to make that sad announcement and release the instrumental of the unnamed new dong.

Surprisingly, Mei decides to sing despite not wanting to reach Kano. Of course, her singing is terrible, but she keeps trying as Kiui rushes over to Kano’s house and shows her the stream. After listening to what Mei had to say, Kano realized maybe I should sing again. I have to give props to Mei for saving JELEE from the blink. The question is, can Kano make up with Mahiru?
Lastly, after the credits, Kiui discovers that her identity is leaked to the internet. I guess it’s not surprising since she showed up at the live performances, and, of course, Mei is calling the lead singer Nono-tan, but this seems worse. A bully, perhaps from Kiui’s school, is starting to bully her. I guess it will be a Kiui-focused episode again
Reviews from Other Blogs
Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night Episode 10: Blooming Fangirl – The Yuri Empire
If the other girls’ closure chapters are as excellent as Mei’s was then we’re in for a crazy final two episodes.
Mero’s paying for her crime with nearly absolute emptiness. Madame Yukine must have really twisted her poor soul. Look what she did to Kano before she eventually realized “mom wasn’t the answer”.
While Mei is obviously not the greatest singer, but obviously she tries hard like a true fan to try to bring her Oshi back. But at least it’s super effective.
Mero is basically a cog in Yukine’s efforts, which makes me wonder what is Mahiru’s plan with taking the offer. Is it fo her to try to recognize her daughter’s efforts? I just wonder…