As Ayano wakes up and sees Nadeshiko awake, they eventually do the final set of activities they want to do before heading back.

As Rin is awake, she is finally awakened, thanks to food. Yep, Nadeshiko was making breakfast. Basically, she makes Ham and Cream Cheese Canapes. Of course, Nadeshiko thought she had an hour, but she had a bus to talk, which takes 40 minutes. It was funny how Rin mentions that fact as Nadeshiko coughs. As expected, it was amusing to see her reactions. Thankfully, Rin and Ayano helped Nadeshiko take down the equipment.

With that, they returned to town as Nadeshiko obviously stuffed her face at Oigawa. Before Rin and Ayano met Nadeshiko after parking their bikes, Rin saw a cute dog come out of the shop and lie down before eating some plants and going to various places. Yep, Ayano and Rin saw Nadeshio eating potato mochi.

Nadeshiko, Rin, and Ayano went to a foot bath café to relax. The funny thing is that Nadeshiko runs into the two ladies riding the Abt train. They went around Ikawa and arrived at Oigawa. They went through various suspension bridges, including that creepy tunnel. Still, it’s interesting to see Nadeshiko run into them, especially with Rin and Ayano.

After pretending to play with swords, Ayano mentions how Nadeshiko gets along with everyone. She even plays with strangers, which worries Sakura, which is no wonder why she has a watchful eye on her. Of course, they crossed two suspension bridges. Funny how Rin and Ayano don’t want to be reminded of that bridge from the last episode.

As expected, Nadeshiko almost dropped her phone while using it on the bridge. Yep, she doesn’t want to lose it, as Ayano mentions all the phones that fell into the river. I guess that is what people get when trying to take photos or doing TikToks on a suspension bridge. They had Mountain Stream soba after walking up the large number of stairs.

Afterward, they relaxed in hot springs. Of course, Ayano and Rin discover that despite feeling warm, they eventually become cold thanks to the sweat. They went to the Shigogo suspension bridge and crossed it. Of course, Nadeshiko missed her opportunity to photograph herself when a steam-powered train arrived. Yep, she is suddenly interested in trains after riding some rather old ones.

As expected, it’s time for Ayano to go, but she doesn’t want to make the trek back. Ayano mentions how Nadeshiko felt when she moved away. Ayano assures her that she will make new friends. Yep, she is happy that Nadeshiko made new friends. Eventually, they went to one last stop at Hourai Bridge and looked at Mt Fuji before they went their separate ways. At least they did a fist pump together before leaving. That is until Nadeshiko made it back late and even brought back Hamburg steaks, which Sakura mentions one can buy online. It’s all for nothing, I guess.

Of course, after the credits, Chiaki finally appears. We forgot about Chiaki, Aoi and Ena, as they felt abandoned. Yep, it seems the next focus is on their next camping trip.