Last time, Yori asked Himari what she wanted to become her girlfriend. Of course, Himari doesn’t know what answer to give without understanding romantic love since her version of love is different.

Last time, Yori asked Himari to become her girlfriend. Of course, Himari doesn’t understand love. In her eyes, people are closer to her than something romantic. When Yori asks her out, she is unsure what love is as she has never felt romantic love. Of course, Miki, Himari’s best friend, wondered how her date with Yori went. Of course, she told about Yori confessing to her after the date and was surprised.

Most of the episode is about Himari trying to figure out romantic love. She never felt that love with finding someone attractive that she developed a crush on them and the lovey-dovey kind of stuff. You know, things like hugging, kissing, and stuff. Miki shared her experience having a boyfriend but ultimately broke up in middle school despite being close. However, she eventually got over it, and there are plenty of ways for people to date. In short, Miki tells her that Himari should decide if she should date her or not.

As expected, Yori feels down as Himari hasn’t come to see her since that day or texted her that matter. Yori pondered over the future of their relationship as her hope of asking Himari to become her girlfriend might get crushed. That is until Himari texted her that she needed more time to think of an answer. Even that made Yori happy, although the love is one-sided. That is while Yori’s friends seem concerned.

Himari still doesn’t get romantic love, although she admits the date was fun. However, she fears that if she becomes Yori’s girlfriend, she never fall in love with her. She fears that if they were to break up, what would be her relationship. Of course, Himari asked her mom about the love thing, and Himari’s mother told her how she met her husband. While she turned him down, it was not until later on, after her persistence, that they eventually fell in love. She was really worried that things wouldn’t work out. It was not until the summer festival that she did.

This really shows to Himari that she should just let things play out. It’s all that she needs to share how she feels. They meet on the roof, and Himari tells her that she loves her, but not in a romantic way because she is unsure of the romantic feeling.

It was funny how Yori was disappointed hearing that part until Himari said that she still wanted to spend time with her and could feel romantic love. Yori got her hopes up as she still had a chance, although Himari started crying over hurting her feelings. Thankfully, Yori said that everything was okay.

The thing is, Yori even loves Himari more now that she is honest with her feelings. Still, Yori admits her fear of Himari possibly rejecting her and their relationship falling apart, but she seems happy with her reply. In short, Himari hugged her as Yori blushed. Still, Yori is going to make Himari fall for her now. With that, she also decides to join Aki’s band. If the second episode and the developments in this episode with Himari come as no surprise.
Reviews from Other Blogs
Whisper Me a Love Song Episode 3: The Answer – The Yuri Empire
I was so incredibly invested in Himari’s struggle to find her answer to Yori’s confession. The journey and destination were both worth it. My heart ached for Yori throughout the episode. I would have felt the same way were I in her shoes. While Himari’s answer wasn’t exactly what she hoped for it was more enough to keep the hope alive. Ganbare Yori!
Being a third wheel continues being torture for Aki.
Love this show very much.
Agreed, learning about Himari’s struggles in learning what romantic love was interesting, but surely Yori is going to need to work a bit harder to get Himari to fall for her, but at least there is hope that she can make it happen, although Aki will be an obvious obstacle to between Himari and Yori.
Yes, I love this show too.