Loco Musica receives a punishment from Lord Enorme after Kiwi and Koritsu kick her butt. However, Loco and Leberblume don’t seem done with the new members of Enormeeta, as Utena and her friends take them on.
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First, Tres Magia learned about the infighting between Enormeetta with Kiwi and Koritsu fighting Loco Magia and seeing her lose. I find it funny how Kaoruko says it has nothing to do with them. Funny how Karuko doesn’t care what is happening between them, which they shouldn’t.
Of course, Sayo still acts weird, especially under the waterfall, while enjoying getting wet and having a waterfall hit her head. I guess Haruka and Kaoruko haven’t caught on to Soyo’s fetish yet.

Aside from that, Utena finally recovered as Kiwi and Koritsu visited Utena. It seems that Kiwi gave Koritsu a not-Gunpla, and Koritsu is not impressed at all. Either way, Utena looks eager to destroy the other faction that wants to take over the world. Speaking of which, Venalita knows where they are.

What Utena and her friends witnessed was shocking, as something was slightly off. The crowd is forced to be the Oshi for Loco against their will. Of course, Utena witnesses firsthand how terrible Loco’s singing is. Given how terrible Loco’s singing is, Kiwi seems suspicious of her fans. Of course, Leberlume wants this to be done.
Once Kiwi says screw it and throws a grenade, it releases the audience from a sort of mind control. As expected, Loco was using Leberlume to control the audience to listen to Loco’s terrible singing against their will. Of course, Utena and her friends discover the hard way about Leberlume’s ability to control people from the shadows. This allowed Loco to land attacks on Utena and Kiwi easily.
While Utena and Kiwi are goners, Utena finally regains her composure as she goes on the defensive. Of course, Kiwi uses a flash bomb disguised in the stuffed animals Koritsu threw to trap Leberblume in a doll house.

Utena threatens to squish Leberblume in the doll house unless Loco does what Utena tells her to do. Yep, she tells Loco to perform a song naked. If Loco doesn’t, Leberblume gets it. Of course, Utena reveals the secret about Loco’s fake friends, meaning she has no fans. From the flashbacks, it seems that Loco’s or Matama’s friends hate her singing. Even her mother says that her daughter should probably give up on her idol dreams.

The funny thing is that Loco does what Utena tells her to, and somehow, Loco’s singing isn’t terrible at all. In fact, it’s pretty excellent and well-received, meaning that Loco is not being true to herself. Either way, I guess you can call this a win for Utena. The funny thing is that Utena and her friends finally discover Leberblume and Loco’s true identities as Anemo Nemo and Akoya Matama. Funny how they are planning to abandon the Lord’s side for Utena’s side in a change of events. I guess they don’t want to get a whipping from the Lord. However, I wonder what this means for Tres Magia as they have five members of Enormeeta to deal with now.
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