Now that Rouge made it out thanks to Investigator Ash and his assistant, they visited Rouge’s older brother, Gene. Of course, we find out some crucial clues about Gene and Rouge.
The last time, Gene got into the car as he went to his home. He pressed a chord, which revealed a set of stairs. Of course, Rouge, Ash and his assistant came into the same room. Rouge finds out that Gene lost his position at his organization. However, he went down to a “secret” library with memories of their father.

As expected, we found out a few things. Gene is an adopted son, mostly to play the role of Rouge’s older brother. Also, we find out that Gene resembles their mother. Rouge also has physical strengths that surpass that of humans and can enjoy food while being able to experience taste.

While Rouge doesn’t know if she is just made as part of his father’s development of Rogue, she recognizes the bobbed-cut girl in the lab coat. She appeared in Rouge’s memories during her encounter with the puppet master. She refuses to hand over the Code Eve data. Yes, the Code Eve that Rouge heard about. Apparently, this woman regrets making the code part of the Nean’s programming to make them subservient. She hopes the Code Eve can reverse this. That woman is Eva Kristella, who happens to be Jung’s wife and Gene’s and Rogue’s mother. This can explain why Rouge has some resemblance to her.
What is the Code Eve thing anyway? It’s some programming that removes that code from all the Neans. You wonder why the Puppet Master and Jill discuss Nean’s freedom. It becomes apparent what side Gene and Naomi are on as Rouge’s mission hunting the Immortal Nine becomes obvious. They want to get all the IDs so Neans won’t think about activating it and causing chaos.
Apparently, Rouge has a part of the Code Eve inside her despite the Eve code being destroyed. You can see why Rouge, with Naomi’s help, tries to hunt down the Immortal Nine. Rouge is unsure what to think about this, although she wants it both ways, having order and freedom for the Neans and Humans.

As expected, some proto-neam came out of nowhere wanting to fight Rouge. We find out that Rouge has an evil sister, Cyan. I have a feeling where she came from, perhaps the Puppet Master? Yep, she is after Rouge’s Id along with Jill, in which she attacks Aleteia, at least her faction. She is after those IDs, including Rouge’s.

Surprisingly, Aes and that treasure hunter, or Jet Black Noir instead, are against Jill’s faction and decide to ally with Rouge. Sadly, Ash lost his Nean assistant, who had protected his life. Sadly, he couldn’t save him. Still, I wonder if Rouge’s team can take out the opposition who want to defeat Rouge and perhaps activate Code Eve, which is their plan to wreak chaos. It makes you wonder what this has to do with Naomi’s decision to arrest Rouge. Maybe we will find out the reason sooner than later or whether or not Jill’s faction will lose. Also, who is Cyan exactly and her goals? A lot of questions remain.
I keep snickering that the Ice-based twin is named Aes so unironically.
This is probably how German-speaking people feel about characters in Frieren.
@anianimalsmoe @chikorita157 My German isn’t impressive, but it is a lot better than any anime I’ve seen. They absolutely butcher it every time.
Then again I can’t stand Japanese names in American English. Not because I expect actual Japanese, but because it’s always as exaggerated and convoluted (and half screamed) as possible.
Not sure why they are so hellbent on coming up with such difficult to pronounce names. It’s like budget western Fantasy coming up with the most illogical names as possible that are spelt like someone who learnt Welsh a week ago.
Not to mention, there are a handful of Japanese names that are also English names as well.
Names are just interesting.
@chikorita157 Anna famously is a very common Swedish name, the name of a Sumerian Goddess, a fairly common Japanese name (I mean I’ve heard of it, can’t be too obscure then), and pretty common in English speaking countries as well.
But it also doesn’t sound the name in all languages. In fact Swedish names said in English often sounds terrible. Like Magnus, Björn, Ragnar, etc. BUT I’m sure since you don’t know Swedish they don’t sound wonky to you.
But German phonemes do not translate super well to Japanese. Or English:) I can pick out Americans trying to speak German in media (bad) or trying to have German accents (they fail! Check out Flula Borg, that’s how a German sound). Same with French.
Best is to either avoid things that can’t be said (looking at you budget Fantasy novels) or use common sounding words.
I’m ok with an Anna in a dub. But I get so sad every time I hear a Saaakjuuuraaah (with a Texas accent). sigh You can say Samurai without saying sah-mjuh-rat or something.
Rant over. The novocain is going away and I’m in pain:/
(Seriously check out Flula, such a funny guy.)