As Venalita wants to introduce Utena, Kiwi and Koritsu to the existing members of Enormeeta, it’s evident that it doesn’t go well.
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From the looks of the last episode, we find out that the original members do not respect the new members of Enormeeta as they aren’t able to hunt magical girls, and they believe they are fooling around. When Venalita tells them to transform before heading to the base, you know it’s bad news.

Meanwhile, Soyo meets with Haruka and Kaoruko. She wants to get stronger but won’t mention what happened, except she blushes. Either way, she wants to get stronger, and of course, Kaoru had a lot of fun.

As for Utena, Kiwi and Koritsu meet the original members, Loco Musica, Leberblume, Sister Gigant, and the leader, Lord Enorme. Enorme especially doesn’t like the new trio since they aren’t hunting magical girls and see them as weak. After all, Enorme plans to take out all the magical girls for world domination.

This idea does not settle well for Utena because she loves magical girls. So, the original members break off Enormetta as Utena and her friends are uninterested. Either way, Enorme asks Gigant to crush them. Alice puts her into her toybox as Kiwi and Utena take Gigant on. However, Gigant grew so big that she tried to crush Kiwi and Utena to death. Thankfully, Utena has Kiwi throw some bombs as part of their move to get themselves out.

Ultimately, they managed to get away as Enorme plans to punish Gigant. Meanwhile, Kiwi worries that Utena won’t make it, yet she survives. Utena holds a grudge against them. After all, Enorme goes against what Utena loves the most. She wants to grab those stars and make them fail. The question is, can she pull it off?

Well, after visiting Utena as she is in bed, recovering, Enorme has Musica to take Utena, Kiwi, and Koritsu. Meanwhile, Kiwi and Koritsu visit Utena at the hospital. Yep, they are in dire straits as Enormeeta splits apart with the part that wants to take over the world and control the base. They, of course, are at a loss.

As Kiwi and Koritsu head back, they confront Musica as they hide. Of course, Kiwi is eager to take her on, while Koritsu doesn’t want her to. Well, it’s too late. Kiwi has decided to take on Musica. Yep, Musica attacks using her voice. The funny thing is that Koritsu shows up to cover for Kiwi. The funny thing is that Musica reveals why she wants world domination: to become a #1 idol.

Musica performs a song, but it sounds hilariously terrible with pretty bad lyrics, as Kiwi harshly criticizes her performance. Yep, Musica cries hard as she loses her crap and goes out on all-out attack. Thankfully, Allice and Kiwi escaped with stuffed animals and flash bombs. Yep, Musica is going to get into trouble with the lord now. Yep, she got a good whipping. The funny part is that Venalita watched this all happening. Will the break-off factions start betraying each other and go to the other side? Who knows.

Thankfully, Kiwi promises not to do something like this again. Koritsu wants Kiwi to repair her stuffed animals as Utena did. Kiwi wasn’t expecting that since she just wanted to buy her new ones, but I guess Koritsu is attached to them.
Lord Squad is indeed a lame name so “New Lewd Order” it is!
My favorite so far is Sister Gigant for obvious reasons. Loco meanwhile made an excellent debut and her performance was glorious. Jillian Hall would be proud.
Kiwi took the opportunity given by Blue’s absence to show everyone why she’s the undisputed 2nd best girl on the show. Bless Kiwi ever so much and hope she one day successfully lures Utena into a love hotel. The gyaru deserves for her love and loyalty to be rewarded.
Hopefully we get to see the epic clash between destined nemeses Baiser and Lord.
Not too surprising given that Enorme doesn’t have any comedic factor and dead set on taking over the whole world.
Not too surprising given that she kind of made Loco look bad, but that singing… Well hopefully Kiwi will get her wish with showing her love for Utena in a love hotel.
But not too surprising that Utena will eventually face off against Enorme, since Enorme goes against everything Utena believes in.