Now that Rouge is apprehended, you might wonder what Naomi is up to. It only puts into question Gene’s mission with his sister, Rouge.
From last time, Naomi, out of nowhere, has Rouge arrested. I have a hunch what it might be. It has nothing to do with Rouge kicking the dog last time. It has to do with violating Article 5 of the use of artificial life. Does it have to do with her imposter attacking Investigator Ash or that she is hunting down the Immortal Nine. Or is it that Naomi is worried that Rouge might be brainwashed.
Either way, we find out Gene is working up a plan to terraform Venus and using a particular type of Nean to make it happen, those Proto-Neans. Of course, Naomi found out about the plan as she gave the news that Ochrona took over Aleteia and kicked Gene off his position as Vice Director. This brings into question his plan with Rouge to kill the Immortal Nine. Is it really to just avenge their father’s death?
I guess his or Aleteia’s mistake is to employ Naomi to help Rouge on her mission to take out the Immortal Nine. But are all the Immortal Nine really all that bad? I guess she is working something out behind the scenes with her powers as Divine Facilitator. Some hint of this is Naomi admitting that Rouge is not a tool for Aleteia. Maybe she knows. Still, I wonder what is really the whole story regarding the death of Junghardt, although we know who did it, and he survived after landing on a beach.
We see a familiar figure that we saw last time. Jill, the photographer, gave Rouge the idea that she was free. It’s obvious where she breaks Rouge out before she is on the verge of not having enough Nectar. Jill’s allegiance is with freeing the Neans, and she wants Rouge to join her side. That is while seeing Neans detained as they are deemed dangerous. We find out that Jill is part of the Immortal Nine. As expected, Rouge seems to distrust her as many mercenaries target them as the intruder alarm goes off, thanks to Investigator Ash.
Funny enough, Alice is the one who saves Rouge while Naomi waves to her, and, of course, Investigator Ash shows up. Eventually, Ash takes Rouge and Alice to his apartment for questioning. We find out that Alice and Aes are basically plural as Rouge becomes socked, but that is beside the point. They are different from the rest of the Immortal Nine as they want to live an everyday life.
This brings into question: Is Rouge really the bad girl here? Why is she targeting the Immortal Nine if not all of them are dangerous. Of course, they show a lot of distrust as Rouge does Gene’s bidding instead of thinking for herself. That is why they feel Rouge is the bad girl, even if she isn’t. I guess she is conflicted, given the vision she had when the puppet master played with her mind.
You might be wondering, who is actually telling her the truth? While Rouge said it’s Giallon who killed Jung, they don’t know for sure. That is when Gene pulls up to the house. Sure, Rouge believes that Giallon is dead. He is very much alive. This may seem like a confusing episode, given that a lot is going on, but I feel things will be clearer soon.
My animal senses were tingling, and true enough, there was a pic of Rouge with a floofy dog on the computer screen.
While I don’t have screenshots on my post with the family dog, it sure looks cute, which makes me wonder what happened to it.