After Rouge took down Phantom Verde, Naomi wondered where Rouge went. Given the suspicious-looking lady from the carnival, we may know where she went.

As mentioned in the third episode, remember the Usurpers and Humans ended the war with a truce. Apparently, we finally meet those Usurpers, given that lady from the traveling carnival going to the Nean reservation. Apparently, Rouge got put into some containment chamber and had Verde’s ID taken away.
Of course, Naomi doesn’t know where she went, but she eventually has an idea of where she is. Apparently, she got help from the grave robber guy. He learned what Naomi was looking for, which ultimately led to that airship where the traveling carnival was. This won’t be surprising, given what happens next.

We find out that some alien was containing Rouge in the containment chamber. He is trying to brainwash her to get Rouge to her side. We learn quite a bit about the mission Rouge, and Naomi is on. We know the white-haired man is Rouge’s older brother, Gene Junghardt. Yes, he is the one we saw in the third episode.
Apparently, after their father got killed by some Nean in red, they went on a secret mission to take out the immortal nine and take their IDs. As to what the ultimate motive is, we don’t know. Of course, we learned why Rouge likes chocolate. It’s because she was given it during that meeting. Still, seeing the bird and other Neans makes Rouge feel guilty for killing other Neans. It was funny to see Naomi the bird say things like, “Rouge is a killer of her own kind,” which is an apparent brainwashing.
We know that the Usurper puppet master tries to get into Rouge’s mind to learn about Code Eve. What is Code Eve? We don’t know exactly, but if it’s undone, the world will transform. The Usurper puppet master wants to undo it for an apparent reason. Control, of course, and he knows he can take advantage of Rouge for his plans, enticing her with the thought of freedom.

Naomi came in to pick her up while having the Id orb. Naomi wants to save her, but of course, that Usurper lady comes and gives Naomi a beating. Thankfully, before she can choke Naomi to death, Rouge transforms and decides to save Naomi. Of course, they get surrounded by crab-shaped robots before a figure in black chooses to help them. It’s obvious who he is. He is the man who helped Naomi get into the airship.

Thankfully, Naomi and Rouge made it out safely and escaped the airship. The Usurper puppet master apparently got a copy of Rouge, which he probably intended if he couldn’t recruit Naomi. Also, when Rouge shared what happened, it’s funny how Rouge and Naomi say they saved each other.
Either way, it’s nice to see them back on good terms, and Rouge even shares a chocolate bar with Naomi. While we have more hints of Rouge’s past, we can’t be sure if it’s 100% accurate, given the Usurper puppet master’s brainwashing and fabricating some memories. Still, learning more about what happened pretty soon should be interesting.

5 episodes in and my opinions of this show remain the same. Rouge and Naomi are the best parts of the show and only reason I’m still watching. Their antics and action scenes are great. The main plot, setting and rest of the cast however, I am indifferent toward them all. The ONLY character I hope to be wowed by is the journalist babe. Please be a worthwhile character.
Yes, Naomi and Rouge is basically the one thing I enjoy the most about the show. The story is all over the place, but it should be interesting to see how everything ends in the end.