Finally, Kitasan’s final race is here. Can she pull off her last win in her final race of the Twinkle series?
As expected, Kitasan worked so hard up to this last race. She only got second place after Cheval won her first G1 race. As expected, she is still showing her resilience despite passing her peak. She, of course, was determined to pull off her last win when Teio saw her and talked to her.

The evening before the big race, Kitasan shared what she wanted to achieve her last win. Of course, Teio believes in Kitasan after observing her all this time. As expected, Team Spica created a special outfit for Kitasan’s final race. Of course, it’s fitting for her grand finale before retiring.

As for the Arima Kinen, while Kitasan struggled a bit, she had the lead for the whole race. Sure, Cheval tried to beat her again, but she only got third place, and It’s Calling got second. Funny how Chevial isn’t upset over losing to Kitasan. Sadly, Crown only got 13th, as Dia intends to resume her training next fall.

Of course, Kitasan couldn’t pull it off without that last push, seeing the crowd cheer for her. Seeing her expression of happiness after crossing the finish line was priceless. Also, Teio admits that Kitasan became a better horsegirl than herself. Kitasan is the GOAT of all horse girls, earning a lot of wins and even going against her declining athletic abilities without getting any injuries.
Final Thoughts
As expected, the third season is almost like the second season. However, in some respects, it’s not on the same level as the previous installment. While there is some focus on the other horse girls, such as Duramente, Satono Diamond, Satono Crown, and Cheval, I felt there was too much focus on Kitasan. This is compared to the last season, which brought in the other horse girls better.
Also, I do admit that the cycle of Kitasan of being happy and then sulking gets a little tiring. Moreover, I wished there were more Dia and Kitasan moments. Sure, overcoming the execution of the 2nd season is always going to be difficult. However, the 3rd season is still a good installment for the series. It makes me wonder what the movie will bring, although I haven’t watched the other installments before watching this season.
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