Last time, many people were shocked by Kitasan’s terrible performance. However, something is unusual as she looks pretty exhausted. Still, what is the path forward for her? Is she pushing herself too hard, or is it something else?
Since last time, something has been up with Kitasan; she is not like herself. While she sees Dia off, Kitasan will tell Dia if she decides to go to France. She seems out of it when she answers with the wrong name, saying it’s Teio. It makes you wonder if Kitasan is suitable to do the Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe. Not to mention, Sakura Bakushin crashes into Kitasan while running in the hallway. She also notices Kitasan is out of it.

This is what the trainer seems concerned about. It appeared that Kitasan was doing all right during practice, but she still felt a bit down and out of it. Even when it comes to that decision, Kitasan simply says she is still deciding.

After Kitasan looked at the Rubrik’s cube, it reminded her of someone until Gold Ship called Kitasan aside. She mentions the same thing that happened to her is happening to Kitasan. This is something Kitasan fears the most, reaching her peak. This is not surprising as there is a time when athletes are at their top performance before they peak and their abilities go down. When the peak happens depends on the person. The trainer thinks the same thing is happening to Kitasan. After all, she had several big wins, and it’s only a matter of time until she can’t maintain her pace. Then again, there is a possibility of her staging a comeback.

With that, Kitasan still waits until she gives her actual decision after seeing the townspeople with a banner cheering Kitasan on for Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe. When she hears that the people supporting her will miss her for some time, she ultimately decides not to go and tells Dia. She instead chooses to run in the Tennoushou. We discovered that Dia got 14th place in the Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe, and we didn’t even see her race.

After all the preparations come the Tennoushou. A typhoon was coming in, making the field really muddy. While Kitasan had minor trouble leaving the gate, she caught up and even took the lead towards the end. It was Satono Crown she was competing against for first place. Still, Kitasan came through and won. While winning, she was very exhausted, like in the first race. This was when she realized that she was at her limit.

Will she end up like that horse girl who left the academy in the last episode? This is a surprise given that she never had an injury that ended her career to the likes of Teio and McQueen. Is it really over for Kitasan? We’ll find out in two episodes what path she will take now.
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